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[ParanoidTimes] Hello from Alan Van Arsdale

Dear Group

    I have not been online for awhile, and not active for some years posting anything any place about governmental unethical or criminal activities. I am a University of California graduate with a year of grad school (CCS emphasis graduate level biology research), I make my living as a coin dealer and am not hiding from anyone. Within the last year I was on a number of Spanish language tv stations in about an 8 minute clip. So in case anyone has missed me, facial recognition should have picked me up for them. 

     As I posted to the group I started the yahoo IPCUSA, I dropped out years ago largely because of harassment, false criminal charges (all dismissed or never brought), one of my children being injured by official corruption (all my biological children now live with me again and are safe enough for now), etc... 

    In the past I broke some stories which have since been confirmed, such as cybernetic insects, methods of universal email and phone monitoring (pre Snowden), etc... 

    I feel like my life is good enough lately, even if protection from corrupt / criminal governmental activity is sometimes a bit thin (thinner than agreements made during the Clinton administration). Nobody puts their hands on me, I carry guns openly / publicly, and I have not been charged with any crimes by Utah in my 14 years in Utah, nor have I been arrested in over 15 years (I associate arrest with torture, personal experience).

     I maintain that I was victim of very advanced remote torture in the US in 1982, by unknown assailants, and that at the time, and later when I went public, governmental agencies failed to protect or investigate adequately, and that my claims have been actively suppressed by governmental factions. And that my body to this day contains physical evidence of this which is detectable by X-Ray etc... I suspect that the torture was related to training. Several intelligence agencies in the US, and more from other nations, have tried to recruit me. 

Alan Van Arsdale 


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