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[ParanoidTimes] Zionist Wars for a Greater Israel

From: "spook


Zionist Wars for a Greater Israel


Most timid Americans would avoid any serious discussion on the true causes of a continuous failed foreign policy that only benefits Israel while costing our own country any chance of real national security and a prosperous society. The mere mention of the term Jew is usually enough for being banded to the back of the room and shunned as one of those haters. Unfortunately, President Trump has succumbed to this fallacious political correctness. In order to correctly understand the framework of the detrimental circumstances that propagate the decline of the American Empire, the clear-headed observer must confront why the United States remains a vassal to the Zionist myth that Israel is a valuable ally to our country.

Essentially the question boils down to a sober outlook. Does one place the interests of the foreign agents that swear allegiance to Israel above that of America, or are you content to bow to the dictates of Zionism, especially when they directly conflict with the betterment of our own people?

A genuine America First mindset rejects both attitudes and rests upon a basic non-interventionism whenever possible. In the case of Israel, there is no germane special interest that places their objectives above ours. Yet, the facts of the matter are that the practical reality in domestic politics has a virtual Jewish veto factor that makes wimps out of even the most courageous warriors. At the end of the cultural and governmental administration process; the influence of the pro-Zionist media, legal and court system, the Wall Street cabals of Banksters, socially progressive academia, culturally correct government schools, Big Corporatist Business and Christian-Zionist apostates all promote and perpetuate that Israel is a friend.

Ask yourself, exactly what did America gain by our involvement from decades of Middle East conflicts or from the trillions of dollars spent on bribes or military campaigns and deployments? The honest answer is nothing. We have been under the yoke of intimidation from the primary victimhood industry post World War II; namely the impact from false guilt to compensate for the hyperbolic holocaust claims that doom any objective discussion on the Khazar exodus to Palestine.

The final solution for these proclaimed Jews is to establish a Zionist political region within the expanses of the Middle East.

Global Research published this document pertaining to the formation of "Greater Israel" constitutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government,  the Likud party, as well as within the Israeli military and intelligence establishment. (Article first published by Global Research on April 29, 2013). "Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East. Reading this account which includes documentation by Israel Shahak and Oded Yinon will be ignored by most proponents and apologists for the Zionist State.

In the case of one of the most repulsive supporters of this bellicose apartheid regime, Daniel Pipes casts dispersions and objections in his 1994 account, Imperial Israel: The Nile-to-Euphrates Calumny. His exceptions to the historic reality that is the basis of this eternal conflict are all based upon a condition of denial and a fraudulent defense for the rogue band of supremacists.

"Turning to the United States, reducing apprehensions about Greater Israel is good American policy. Americans agree it's in the their interest to end the Arab-Israeli conflict; because the fantasy of Greater Israel impedes resolution of that conflict, American diplomats and politicians should seize every opportunity to calm fears among their Arab and Iranian counterparts that Israel plans to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. Here are a few steps for U.S. officials to keep in mind:"

Piper goes on to instruct how American foreign policy should shield Israel from the crucial criticisms that only benefit the Khazars who pretend to be descendants of Abraham. How many times have you heard such sophistry that attempts to shame you into supporting what Revelation 3:9 calls the synagogue of Satan and if that does not work, condemn opponents to the Talmud Temple as anti-Semitic?

Not since the hundred years of the Balfour Declaration, or the regret acknowledged by Harry Truman in caving to 'fanatical' Zionist lobby by recognizing Israel, has the announcement by President Trump recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital caused the conditions ripe for 'major catastrophe'.

Palestinian Envoy Warns: Trump Move on Jerusalem a 'Declaration of War' reports comments on Trump's decision made by Manuel Hassassian in a BBC radio interview.

"He is declaring war in the Middle East, he is declaring war against 1.5 billion Muslims (and) hundreds of millions of Christians that are not going to accept the holy shrines to be totally under the hegemony of Israel," Hassassian added.

Reaction from the UK follows.

In the meantime, Britain itself expressed concern over the change in American policy on Jerusalem, with Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson saying: "We view reports that we've heard with concern."

He told reporters at NATO headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday that Britain thinks "Jerusalem obviously should be part of the final settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians — a negotiated settlement that we want to see."

The actual Statement by President Trump on Jerusalem on the surface seems reasonable. However, the needed question that begs a rational answer asks: What existential benefit does the United States gain from such reorganization without a comprehensive peace agreement among all parties within the region?

Manifestly, we all know that it would take divine intervention to achieve this objective. Sorry, even for the most avid Trump supporters, we all will have to wait for the Second Coming.

 WikiTribune spoke to Stephen Walt, a Harvard professor of political science and controversial critic of the influence of pro-Israeli lobby groups on U.S. policy. This interview includes, Trump's Jerusalem policy driven by groups who 'see themselves as defenders of a greater Israel'.

Q: What does Trump gain from the policy change?

I'm not sure, to be perfectly honest. I think that most people that are skeptical about this change don't see enormous benefits.

Obviously it will make the people, like Sheldon Adelson, who were pushing him to do this, happy, and this guarantees their support. You could argue this nails down support among the evangelical community and the right wing parts of the American Jewish community. By taking this largely symbolic step he solidifies that base a little bit.

You could also argue that this shows he's a man of his word – he made a promise in the campaign and now he's going to fulfil it.

But in a larger sense it's not clear what the United States or really anybody actually gains from this, or why he chose to do it at this moment.

Now who among the ranks of the State Department can provide a distinct and clear response on how this departure will bring a positive improvement within the region?

Surely, President Trump's response does not provide that clarity.

"After more than two decades of waivers, we are no closer to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. It would be folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula would now produce a different or better result.

Therefore, I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel."

Well, the Guardian item Hamas presents new charter accepting a Palestine based on 1967 borders presents a seeming breakthrough, but of course no olive branch goes unpunished in the Israeli border disputes.

"The new document states the Islamist movement it is not seeking war with the Jewish people – only with Zionism that drives the occupation of Palestine.

The new document also insists that Hamas is a not a revolutionary force that seeks to intervene in other countries, a commitment that is likely to be welcomed by other states such as Egypt.

The policy platform was announced by the head of the movement's political bureau, Khaled Meshal, at a press conference in Doha. "Hamas advocates the liberation of all of Palestine but is ready to support the state on 1967 borders without recognising Israel or ceding any rights," he said."

And what was the response from Israel?

"Israel rejected the document before its full publication, with a spokesman for the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, saying: "Hamas is attempting to fool the world, but it will not succeed."

Maybe this is the actual folly that President Trump makes reference to in his White House statement. So why should America care about Israeli's belligerent chutzpah? Must have something to do with genuflecting to AIPAC.

The Zionists are the driving force behind the covert creation of ISIS and the Mossad is the disruption operations behind making Iran the next target for the Amerika's legions so the Israelis can further their plan for their own Shalom. This diabolical alliance will end in a radioactive cloud. But when that happens the irony will be missed by most brainwashed mass media news followers. The nukes the Zionists will use came from the U.S. labs, paid for by U.S. taxpayers and delivered by U.S. military technology.

SARTRE - December 12, 2017


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