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[ParanoidTimes] The Focus Shifts From Trump To Hillary And The Corrupt FBI

The Focus Shifts From Trump To Hillary And The Corrupt FBI
Paul Craig Roberts
January 8, 2018

The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and NPR will never tell you, but the criminal is Hillary, not Trump.

It has come to light that the FBI edited down FBI Director Comey's investigation of Hillary in order to make it look like nothing was amiss. Comey's conclusion that Hillary was "grossly negligent," a conclusion justifying felony indictment for mishandling of classified information, was replaced with "extremely careless."

You can read about the rewire here:

The Chairman of the US Senate Homeland and Government Affairs Committee, Ron Johnson (R, Wis) has asked the current FBI director, Chris Wray, if the document was rewritten in order to protect Hillary. Senator Johnson is particular interested in the emails that show that some senior FBI officials were determined to prevent Trump from becoming US President.

Hillary's misuse of classified documents on her personal server and subsequent effort to destroy the evidence is far more serious than anything done by Paul Manafort and General Flynn, both under threat of prosecution by Special Prosecutor former FBI Director Mueller. The FBI's effort to protect Hillary and to dismiss her felony as "careless" is now confronted with Attorney General Jeff Sessions' reopening of the case. Notice how the FBI first riggs the case and then puts itself in charge of investigating it. An agency this corrupt should be abolished.

It seems that Trump and his Attorney General finally realized that they are in a fight for their lives and have decided to counterbalance Mueller's investigation of fake crimes with an investigation of Hillary's and the FBI's real crimes.

One can only wonder why they waited so long. Intelligence does not seem to be the hallmark of the Trump administration.


Posted by: "Kick.The.NWO" <>

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