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3:46 AM | Posted by
Illuminati Researcher |
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You don't even know what took over The United States Government, but I do!
Learn something will ya....
Watch the 20th Century Fox movie called The House of Rothschild from 1934 as well as Occult Forces from 1943
President Andrew Jackson fought against The Jewish Rothschild Bankers after taking over President John Quincy Adam's Anti Mason Party formed in the early 1800s? You can find that through reference books at your local library.The Anti Mason Party was formed after Captain William Morgan was murdered at Lake Ontario after he wrote the book, "Illustrationsof Freemasonry."
President Jackson quote:
"You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!"
From the original minutes of The Philadelphia Committee of Citizens sent to meet with President Jackson (February 1834), according to Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the United States (1928) by Stan V. Henkels
Ever visit Captain William Morgan's Memorial (YouTube video)? Ever visit The Scottish Rite of Freemason's Temple in Washington D.C.(YouTube video)?
According to The Jewish Encyclopedia published in 1906 on page 490, Mayer Rothschild was an enemy of our Founding Fathers.. Mayer Rothschild was an agent of Prince William Landgrave IX of Hesse Cassel that funded British Troops against The American Revolution.
Page 490 Jewish Encyclopedia Published in 1906
I was told by Barbara Honegger who started the initial Tea Party protest on Dec. 16th, 2006 called, "The Boston Tea Party For 9/11 Truth" where whistleblower Robin Hordon spoke out in the street that it was Neo Cons from CPAC's Breitbart that infiltrated Barbara Honegger's Tea Party For 911 Truth especially after that huge protest in front of The White House on 09/12/09. Of course, Ron Paul led the Tea Party in 2007 where that turned into The Ron Paul Revolution. Steve Bannon ran CPAC's Breitbart as well as Trump's Presidential Campaign. How interesting is that? Sneaky Little Neo Cons...
Of course, they all support hiding Israel's War Crimes against Palestinians that never get reported on by media here in the states even though it gets reported on in other countries.
Furthermore, The BBC came out with a documentary in 2002 on when Israel attacked The U.S.S. Liberty during The 6th Day War in 1967. Source:
I believe that The BBC downplayed the event. Al Jazeera Media came out with a documentary titled, "The Day Israel Attacked America" Source:
Did you know that BBC's Marcus Agius's wife is Katherine de Rothschild? Source:
Baroness Lynn Forester de Rothschild, friends with Hillary Clinton, funded Clinton's campaign. Source:
Baroness Lynn Forester de Rothschild also funded Sen, John McCain's campaign. Source:
It was Sen. John McCain's father, U.S. Admiral John S. McCain. that placed an "Inquiry" on what happened aboard The U.S.S. Liberty. All you have to do is research into that.
Who better to censor The Late U.S. Admiral Thomas H. Moorer who became upset over the whole cover up? All you have to do is research into that as well.
U.S. Congressman Paul Findley wrote a few books about that Cover Up.
A 50 year cover up...Case Closed...Why am I not surprised?
Trump's Crest at The Turnberry Golf Course has a Double Sided Black Eagle like on The Scottish Rite of Freemasons in Washington D.C.? (sources below):
So, did Trump say that he is a Freemason?
Scottish Rite of Freemasons - Washington D.C. Oh...you can become a Freemason as long as you choose The Qu'ran, The Torah, or The Holy Bible. It costs $8 to take a tour.
Watch the video....Source:
Wilbur Ross worked for The Rothschild Bankers.
Have you ever read G. Edward Griffin's book, "The Creature From Jekyll Island?" Glen Beck interviewed Mr. Griffin on FOX News while trying to expose The Private Federal Reserve Banks. Mr. Griffin also interviewed Norman Dodd back in 1982 who worked for The Morgan Bank and was assigned to investigate why the banks collapsed during The Great Depression through The Reece Commission. Of course, The (ADL) Anti Defamation League was founded in October of 1913...two months before our Federal Reserve Act was signed on December 23rd, 1913
It is also mentioned in The Jewish Encyclopedia Online under "Zionism" that The Rothschild Banking Family set out to restore The Kingdom of Judah back in 1847. Well. Israel wasn't re-established until1948. Israel's re-establishment came about by a Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild with The Balfour Declaration of November, 1917, in which, President Carter wrote about through his book, "Palestine, Peace Not Apartheid."
Last year, did you know that Robert Welch's John Birch Society, formed in 1958, called Freemasons enemies of The Catholic Church? The John Birch Society was formed to stand against the growing threat of fascist communists in The United States. Of course, there is also another video of JBS talking about The Illuminati roughly 4 years ago
Pastor John Torell stated that he found a link between Jacob Frank, The Rothschilds, and Prof. Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati that Adam formed while attending The University of Ingolstadt. Read the book, "Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison A.M. 1798" which is one of the first of two books written about The Illuminati. Shouldn't that be looked into? Pastor John Torell didn't even know about the article from The NY Times on July 8th, 1937 under "Rothschild Family NY Times" stating that The Rothschilds were related to "Karl Marx" through Nazis. I pointed the article out to PastorJohn Torell after he posted his video up on YouTube. There is also a Rabbi talking about Jacob Frank as well on YouTube. Click SHOW MORE button NY Times July 8th, 1937:
If they can cover up what took place on The U.S.S. Liberty, who is to say that they can't cover up the following in regards to The 5 Dancing Israelis reported on by CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, CBS Channel 2 News, etc? People had even called News casters through CSPAN scrutinizing them over The 5 Dancing Israels. Carl Cameron from FOX News in December of 2001 mentioned The Israeli Art Students. Supposedly, those Israeli Art Students that were working in The WTC on a project called, 'The Gelatin B Thing" & they were from Vienna according to The NY Times. Rebekkah Roth wrote a book about them called, Methodical Deceptions. I never read her book, but I do remember the pictures that they took of themselves while they were in The WTC. BB-18 was stamped on the side of their boxes. Mrs. Roth pointed out that BB-18 comes from a company called 'Littelfuse.' Basically, they were fuse holders according to Littelfuse's website. Dr. Alan Sabrosky, a U.S. Veteran who taught at The U.S. Army War College, spoke out about those Israeli Art Students as well. Their project was supposed to be secret. Funny that The NY Times reported on their secret project.
Type out BB-18 on Littelfuse's website's search bar
Oh...and tell me what the hell this is...
Reminds me of Revelations 3:9 Of course, Hosea 4:6 also comes to mind as well.
President Ronald Reagan contested against that 6 million Jewish Holocaust figure through his interview
with RFK in 1967. Reagan also mentioned that the population of Jews around the world at the time of WWII was only 16 million.
I believe Ronald Reagan obtained that quote from The World Almanac printed during WWII
Reagan and RFK (1967)
SIX MILLION JEWS 1915- 1938 (understand the numbers significance)
Origins of 6 million Jews
Ed Asner Jews
Ed Asner 911
Freemasons for The Queen
Learn something will ya....
Watch the 20th Century Fox movie called The House of Rothschild from 1934 as well as Occult Forces from 1943
President Andrew Jackson fought against The Jewish Rothschild Bankers after taking over President John Quincy Adam's Anti Mason Party formed in the early 1800s? You can find that through reference books at your local library.The Anti Mason Party was formed after Captain William Morgan was murdered at Lake Ontario after he wrote the book, "Illustrationsof Freemasonry."
President Jackson quote:
"You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!"
From the original minutes of The Philadelphia Committee of Citizens sent to meet with President Jackson (February 1834), according to Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the United States (1928) by Stan V. Henkels
Ever visit Captain William Morgan's Memorial (YouTube video)? Ever visit The Scottish Rite of Freemason's Temple in Washington D.C.(YouTube video)?
According to The Jewish Encyclopedia published in 1906 on page 490, Mayer Rothschild was an enemy of our Founding Fathers.. Mayer Rothschild was an agent of Prince William Landgrave IX of Hesse Cassel that funded British Troops against The American Revolution.
Page 490 Jewish Encyclopedia Published in 1906
I was told by Barbara Honegger who started the initial Tea Party protest on Dec. 16th, 2006 called, "The Boston Tea Party For 9/11 Truth" where whistleblower Robin Hordon spoke out in the street that it was Neo Cons from CPAC's Breitbart that infiltrated Barbara Honegger's Tea Party For 911 Truth especially after that huge protest in front of The White House on 09/12/09. Of course, Ron Paul led the Tea Party in 2007 where that turned into The Ron Paul Revolution. Steve Bannon ran CPAC's Breitbart as well as Trump's Presidential Campaign. How interesting is that? Sneaky Little Neo Cons...
Of course, they all support hiding Israel's War Crimes against Palestinians that never get reported on by media here in the states even though it gets reported on in other countries.
Furthermore, The BBC came out with a documentary in 2002 on when Israel attacked The U.S.S. Liberty during The 6th Day War in 1967. Source:
I believe that The BBC downplayed the event. Al Jazeera Media came out with a documentary titled, "The Day Israel Attacked America" Source:
Did you know that BBC's Marcus Agius's wife is Katherine de Rothschild? Source:
Baroness Lynn Forester de Rothschild, friends with Hillary Clinton, funded Clinton's campaign. Source:
Baroness Lynn Forester de Rothschild also funded Sen, John McCain's campaign. Source:
It was Sen. John McCain's father, U.S. Admiral John S. McCain. that placed an "Inquiry" on what happened aboard The U.S.S. Liberty. All you have to do is research into that.
Who better to censor The Late U.S. Admiral Thomas H. Moorer who became upset over the whole cover up? All you have to do is research into that as well.
U.S. Congressman Paul Findley wrote a few books about that Cover Up.
A 50 year cover up...Case Closed...Why am I not surprised?
Trump's Crest at The Turnberry Golf Course has a Double Sided Black Eagle like on The Scottish Rite of Freemasons in Washington D.C.? (sources below):
So, did Trump say that he is a Freemason?
Scottish Rite of Freemasons - Washington D.C. Oh...you can become a Freemason as long as you choose The Qu'ran, The Torah, or The Holy Bible. It costs $8 to take a tour.
Watch the video....Source:
Wilbur Ross worked for The Rothschild Bankers.
Have you ever read G. Edward Griffin's book, "The Creature From Jekyll Island?" Glen Beck interviewed Mr. Griffin on FOX News while trying to expose The Private Federal Reserve Banks. Mr. Griffin also interviewed Norman Dodd back in 1982 who worked for The Morgan Bank and was assigned to investigate why the banks collapsed during The Great Depression through The Reece Commission. Of course, The (ADL) Anti Defamation League was founded in October of 1913...two months before our Federal Reserve Act was signed on December 23rd, 1913
It is also mentioned in The Jewish Encyclopedia Online under "Zionism" that The Rothschild Banking Family set out to restore The Kingdom of Judah back in 1847. Well. Israel wasn't re-established until1948. Israel's re-establishment came about by a Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild with The Balfour Declaration of November, 1917, in which, President Carter wrote about through his book, "Palestine, Peace Not Apartheid."
Last year, did you know that Robert Welch's John Birch Society, formed in 1958, called Freemasons enemies of The Catholic Church? The John Birch Society was formed to stand against the growing threat of fascist communists in The United States. Of course, there is also another video of JBS talking about The Illuminati roughly 4 years ago
Pastor John Torell stated that he found a link between Jacob Frank, The Rothschilds, and Prof. Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati that Adam formed while attending The University of Ingolstadt. Read the book, "Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison A.M. 1798" which is one of the first of two books written about The Illuminati. Shouldn't that be looked into? Pastor John Torell didn't even know about the article from The NY Times on July 8th, 1937 under "Rothschild Family NY Times" stating that The Rothschilds were related to "Karl Marx" through Nazis. I pointed the article out to PastorJohn Torell after he posted his video up on YouTube. There is also a Rabbi talking about Jacob Frank as well on YouTube. Click SHOW MORE button NY Times July 8th, 1937:
If they can cover up what took place on The U.S.S. Liberty, who is to say that they can't cover up the following in regards to The 5 Dancing Israelis reported on by CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, CBS Channel 2 News, etc? People had even called News casters through CSPAN scrutinizing them over The 5 Dancing Israels. Carl Cameron from FOX News in December of 2001 mentioned The Israeli Art Students. Supposedly, those Israeli Art Students that were working in The WTC on a project called, 'The Gelatin B Thing" & they were from Vienna according to The NY Times. Rebekkah Roth wrote a book about them called, Methodical Deceptions. I never read her book, but I do remember the pictures that they took of themselves while they were in The WTC. BB-18 was stamped on the side of their boxes. Mrs. Roth pointed out that BB-18 comes from a company called 'Littelfuse.' Basically, they were fuse holders according to Littelfuse's website. Dr. Alan Sabrosky, a U.S. Veteran who taught at The U.S. Army War College, spoke out about those Israeli Art Students as well. Their project was supposed to be secret. Funny that The NY Times reported on their secret project.
Type out BB-18 on Littelfuse's website's search bar
Oh...and tell me what the hell this is...
Reminds me of Revelations 3:9 Of course, Hosea 4:6 also comes to mind as well.
President Ronald Reagan contested against that 6 million Jewish Holocaust figure through his interview
with RFK in 1967. Reagan also mentioned that the population of Jews around the world at the time of WWII was only 16 million.
I believe Ronald Reagan obtained that quote from The World Almanac printed during WWII
Reagan and RFK (1967)
SIX MILLION JEWS 1915- 1938 (understand the numbers significance)
Origins of 6 million Jews
Ed Asner Jews
Ed Asner 911
Freemasons for The Queen
On Thursday, May 10, 2018, 4:52:39 AM EDT, smacko9@comcast.net [ParanoidTimes] <ParanoidTimes@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Why a Special Counsel Should Be Appointed to Investigate Robert Mueller
Eric Zuesse - 07.11.2017
Exposed: The Naked Truth About Robert Mueller
The Crime of the century 9/11 was NOT investigated by the FBI. No. Motive , Evidence ALL removed
Dial T for Tyranny:
From: "spook spooky2th1@yahoo.com
MSM better start coming out with the truth for a change otherwise they will end up demolished!
May 9, 2019MSM better start coming out with the truth for a change otherwise they will end up demolished!
Posted by: Brian Parent <poolster318@yahoo.com>
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