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Re: [ParanoidTimes] Supremacy of ‘Jewish race’ / Understanding Jewish Power ~ The Ugly Truth

Ya, now if you could also get that to work regarding the 'Islamaphobia hysteria saturation bias' noise/conditioning, we might be on to something better than more see-'DemoRub' type distraction routine.
It's difficult, because even the people who seem to be righteous For accountability / honest due processing, usually aren't ... the corruption is all over the place, and there seems to be no agent / group 'really' interested in the metric(s) regarding the solution to the corruption-cancer / hysterical-hypocrisy corroding~&~consuming us.

From: "lefty [ParanoidTimes]" <>
To: "paranoidtimes" <>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 8:04:29 AM
Subject: Re: [ParanoidTimes] Supremacy of 'Jewish race' / Understanding Jewish Power ~ The Ugly Truth


On 06/16/2018 01:04 PM, [ParanoidTimes] wrote:
> 9/11 & Fake Jews ?
> Maybe Muslims Did It?
> whodid911 /search/messages?query=maybe%20muslims
> ----- Original Message -----
> Supremacy of 'Jewish race' / Understanding Jewish Power ~ The Ugly Truth
> TUT editor posted: " ED-NOTE - THIS and this alone explains judeophobia/antisemtism, which must only be seen as the normal, healthy auto-immune reaction to the deeply entrenched belief the Jews have in the 'supremacy of the Jewish race'. And yes, it is all a Jews, whether or"
> New post on The Ugly Truth
> Israeli lawmaker proclaims supremacy of 'Jewish race'
> by TUT editor
> ED-NOTE - THIS and this alone explains judeophobia/antisemtism, which must only be seen as the normal, healthy auto-immune reaction to the deeply entrenched belief the Jews have in the 'supremacy of the Jewish race'. And yes, it is all a Jews, whether orthodox, secular, liberal, atheist, crypto or even wannabe. So whenever someone identifies as a Jew, what we should all understand is that he is in fact telling us that he believes in the 'supremacy of the Jewish race'. So yes indeed it is ALL Jews and we, the Brotherhood of Man, are only defending ourselves. Antisemitism/judeophobia is nothing but the rejection of Jewish supremacism

No agenda there.

The Israeli lawmaker has something wrong with him.
The author of this message (TUT editor) found a perfect excuse for his
twisted views.

As anybody with functioning gray matter knows, racism is prejudice
against a race. Antisemitism is prejudice against the Jews, which this
person pulls off quite nicely.

The rejection of Jewish supremacism has been twisted by this fine
fellow. He has tarred all Jews because of the ridiculous statement by a

I'm no fan of anyone, but I call them as I see them: discrimination of
an entire group because they're Jewish. I never thought I'd say this.


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