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[ParanoidTimes] Logic Fallacies Poison Greek Truths
Blackbird9's Breakfast Club with Frederick C. Blackburn 10/24/2018
In the Second Hour, Logic Fallacies Poison Greek
Truths, the host looked at the role of Logic in
Fourth and Fifth Generation Warfare systems as
well as the history of the Philosophy of Logic.
From the Singular-Linear-Spatial Brain Develop of
our Breakfast Club model, to the Chance systems of
our T5-Gold Era and T4-Silver Era, to the Fate
systems of our T3-Copper Era, to the Voting
systems of our T2-Iron Era, to the philosophy
schools of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, to the
weaponized propaganda Public Relations tactics of
(((Edward Bernays))) to the Psychological Warfare
of modern Israeli Hasbara programs in The Great
Troll Wars after the 9-11 False Flag attacks, the
host look ed at these mental traps that are being
used against Western Civilization and White
European Culture by the NWO Globalists.
Posted by: "|, |" <smacko9@comcast.net>
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