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[ParanoidTimes] Re: Gaza genocide, 911 truth, & decline of the West - Peter Koenig - audiocog

You should all realize that The IMF (who bails out country's National Debts) along with The World Bank were created by David Rockefeller's United Nations. The Rockefellers were in cahoots with The Rothschild Bankers married into The British Royal Family since before they created our private central bank called our Federal Reserve Banks according to G. Edward Griffin's Book, "The Creature From Jekyll Island" who Glen Beck interviewed on FOX News. When Glen Beck tried to return from lunch after that interview with Mr. G. Edward Griffin, Armed Guards swarmed The FOX News Building carrying AR-15s.

You should also realize that Canada was controlled by The British after The Battle of Quebec in 1759 and The Treaty of Paris in
1763 up until The British North American Act and Canada's Confederation was signed in Charlotteton, P.E.I. in 1867. Of course, people in the Province of Quebec tried to separate from the rest of Canada through their Sovereignty Movement which started in the early 1970s and televised in Canadian News mostly between 1990 and 1995. Last year they sprang back into action through Bloque Quebecois and more so through Mouvement-Quebec. They call The Canadian Constitution a "Myth." Some even claim that The French weren't included in the talks when Canada's Constitution was signed in 1867 in Charlotteton, P.E.I. Of course, Canada still has a "Privy Council." Ireland got rid of their "Privy Council" in 1933 due to The British meddling into their political affairs. "Privy" basically means "Private."

Also, Reddit shared an article with a video of a hippie presenting a Canadian Constitutional Lawyer who tried to bring The Rothschild Banking Family and The Queen of England to court. He stated that it was the first time that he was ever censored in any Canadian Constitutional Case. Of course, CBS's show, Supergirl, was downplaying Reddit as a reliable source after that through their show in the 2nd Season. Funny since mainstream media used Reddit as a source in the past. Of course, anyone can post information there. However, there is Global Research Canada who has been gathering information on The Rothschild Bankers as well. Besides, Mayer Rothschild long ago was an agent of Prince William IX who funded British Troops against The American Revolution according to The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 10, published in 1906 on pp. 490. Of course, archive org has an article on President Andrew Jackson and The Rothschild Bankers after Jackson took over President John Quincy Adam's Anti Mason Party in the early 1800s. You can find more information on The Anti Mason Party at your local library. The whole reason why The Anti Mason Party was formed in the first place was due to Capt. William Morgan's murder at Lake Ontario after he wrote the book, "Illustrations of Freemasonry." Of course, The Jewish Rothschild Bankers worked their unwelcomed way back into The United States through August Belmont. There is also a video on YouTube of The Scottish Rite of Freemasons in Washington D.C. that you may want to look at. Someone paid $8 for a tour. Of course, you should also realize that Israel's re-establishment came about by a Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild with The Balfour Declaration of November, 1917, in which, President Carter wrote about through his book, "Palestine Peace Not Apartheid." Also, Hillary Clinton's campaign was partly funded by Baroness Lynn Forester de Rothschild (Look that up), and Haim Saban, friends with Sheldon Adelson. Also, Trump's righthand man, Wilbur Ross, was a chairman for The Rothschild Bankers. You can look that up as well. Since former U.S. Congressman Paul Findley has been censored over Israel's War Crimes since at least 2007, you should realize that mainstream media will never tell the truth about that. Of course, Baroness Tonge was censored in European Parliament over Israel's War Crimes in 2009 against Palestinians.

I could share a lot more info, but I have a date with The Queen's Court in Canada, because someone left a pill container full of liquid Meth in my car. 65 grams of liquid Meth. I'm on Social Security Disabitlity living off $818 per month. I didn't even know liquid Meth existed. I also didn't know the last name of the man on that pill container until after I was arrested and showed up in court a few days ago. Richard Bouchard was the name on that pill container. I don't know a Richard Bouchard. There is a Richard in my apartment complex, but we aren't close friends and he shares a different last name. The only other Richard I know of throughout the rest of my entire life is my cousin Richard Parent. name is Brian Parent. Over $8,000 worth of liquid Meth they said in the report. I've been stuck paying $300 per month towards creditors, while paying $77 for Child Support, $23 for auto insurance, and $55 for Internet, phone, and Netflix. Also needed emergency surgery for a detached receding Ileostomy. I've been bleeding out a long time now and on Promacta Pills to bring up my white blood platelet count for surgery. They can't operate or I'll bleed to death. They finally scheduled surgery on the 23rd of October, but canceled 2 days before surgery since my blood count isn't high enough. If my Ileostomy collapses into my Abdomen, I'm dead in 24 hours from Septic Shock. Oh...I think someone did a number on me, but I'm not sure. Someone may have just dropped it in my car. I don't know.

Of course, Congressman Ron Paul stated that George Bush was a drug dealer. Head of The DEA, Judge Bonner also stated that The CIA were dealing in drugs besides Police Detective Michael Ruppert. Freeway Ricky Ross also stated that George Bush dealt in drugs as well as Gary Webb. Of course, there is that Hoover Letter on George Bush that is on The CIA website, and George Bush denied that he was the same George Bush as mentioned in Hoover's letter that was in The CIA in 1963. Of course, it was also mentioned in The NY Times in 1988 that George Bush is a descendant of The British Royals. Ancestry websites reported the same. Hmmmm. Of course, George Bush Jr. called our U.S. Constitution "Just a piece of paper." Hmmm. Go figure!

Also, Congressman James Traficant stated that Jews control U.S. Congress. He also stated that he wasn't given the ability to defend himself before they through him in jail. Congressman Ron Paul was the only person that tried to defend Congressman James traficant over the lack of defense granted to Congressman Traficant.

Also, I have to wonder if Lord Blackheath was leaving a 'hint' when he talked about a foundation he called "Foundation X" in The House of Lords that lent $15 Trillion to The HSBC Bank while mentioning Lord Sassoon. Lord James Meyer Sassoon along with Baron Jacob Rothschild met The H.E. Chinese Ambassador at The Chinese Embassy before Lord Blackheath made what people call, "His odd statement" in The House of Lords. People call Lord Sassoon, The Rothschild of The East. He is Chairman of The British Chinese Business Council. Also, The NY Times and Rolling Stones Magazine came out with reports titled, "Too Big To Jail Banks" while mentioning The HSBC Bank. One has to wonder about all that. Keep questioning everything. If we are all celebrating The 4th of July in vain, then we're in trouble.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein threatened social media websites to crack down on people sharing "Potent Facts" as she so called them by those she calls Russian. Well, I am definitely not Russian. According to The Boone Society, my mother's maiden name, Boone, was long ago known as 'de Bohun' as in Humphrey de Bohun, The 4th Earl of Hereford, also known as King Henry IVth who had his head split in two by Robert The Bruce after William Wallace fought against King Edward The 1st like in the movie, "Braveheart."

Basically, that means my ancestors were responsible for the colonization of North America in 1607 where Pocahontas became known after Capt. John Cabot discovered North America after reaching the shores of Newfoundland in 1498. Christopher Columbus discovered South America in 1492. Of course, we had what was called The American Revolution, and those 13 stripes on our U.S. Flag were placed there to honor those 13 Colonies that broke away from British Rule in case you've forgotten. Daniel Boone joined a militia and fought in The American Revolution, and President John Quincy Adams, who formed The Anti Mason Party in the early 1800s, was also a descendant of The British Royals. Basically, that means that there were descendants of The British Royals who fought against The British Royals in The American Revolution.

However, my direct ancestor, Samuel Boone Jr., also known as "Red Sam" was labeled as a Loyalist during the start of The American Revolution. There were 50,000 to 70,000 Loyalists that fled to Canada during the start of The American Revolution. General William West was responsible for weeding out Loyalists in the state of Rhode Island, because Rhode Island was largely divided. Before the revolution broke out, Samuel Boone Jr. was elected as Captain for The North Kingstown Company for the British. His sister, Marthe Boone, married Captain Samuel Rhodes. She died at Sea shortly after they were married, and Captain Samuel Rhodes ended up marrying Martha's sister, Hannah Boone.

At the age of 59, in 1776, Samuel Boone Jr. refused to allow his sons to join a militia to fight in The American Revolution, and Samuel Jr. had his 600 acre farm confiscated from him in Exeter, Rhode Island before he fled to New Brunswick along with his siblings. Capt. Samuel Boone Jr. was later buried in Lancaster, NB. Samuel Boone Jr.'s wife, Mary Wightman, remained behind.

Mary Wightman (Boone) died on The Boone Lot next to Boone Lake in Exeter, Rhode Island and was buried in North Kingstown, RI. Mary, daughter of Reverend John Wightman and Jane Bentley, was the grand daughter of Reverend George Wightman who was the brother of Reverend Valentine Wightman who married Susannah Holmes, daughter of Mary Holmes, daughter of Mary Sayles, daughter of Roger Williams - (ENCYCLOPEDIA - Founder of Rhode Island in 1636 and founder of the first 'ever' Baptist Church in North America). Susannah Holmes's first cousin was Sarah Bowne, Both Sarah and Susannah fall under Obediah Holmes - (ENCYCLOPEDIA). Sarah Bowne was Abe Lincoln's 6th generational grandmother. Reverend Valentine Wightman, born in North Kingstown, Rhode Island, was buried in The Wightman Cemetery in Groton, CT not too far from The U.S. Submarine Base where they give tours onboard The U.S.S. Nautilus. I've been on that dinky clausterphobic submarine before visiting The Mystic Aquarium in Groton, CT. As for Mystic Pizza, too crunchy for my taste. I like West End Pizza in Bristol, CT the most. Nothing like a good Greek Pizza.

Remember...The Illuminati will try to decry you. If that doesn't work, they will discredit you. If that doesn't work, they will kill you. Pastor John Torell stated that he found a link between Jacob Frank, The Rothschild Bankers, and Prof. Adam Weisahaupt's Illuminati on YouTube. He also claimed that there are Rabbis looking into the same thing. Something to check into. However, I think The British Royals used The Rothschilds to re-infiltrate The United States and used Prof. Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati that infiltrated top levels of The Freemasons as a smokescreen and/or a vehicle to retake control over The United States. Only further research will determine that. Oh...and be careful of Neo Conservatives from CPAC's Breitbart. They are the ones that infiltrated Barbara Honegger's Tea Party. Barbara Honegger started The Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth on December 16th, 2006 where whistle blower Robon Hordon spoke out in the street. Ron Paul led The Tea Party in 2007 which turned into The Ron Paul Revolution. I know I lot from researching for the past 13 years. That is why I'm a target. I'm afraid of The Queen's Court in Canada too. If I speak out in The Queen's court about the things I know, I'll never see daylight again.

Brian Parent
Van Buren, ME


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