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Re: [ParanoidTimes] The Coronavirus Response Is Pure State Terrorism Based on Propaganda
As you meekly watch the socialist Trojan Horse (Biden) reaching Washington in November, you will see it POPPING OUT >>>>>> Maxine Walters, Nancy Puslosi, Diane Feinstein, Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Eric Holder, Donna Brazile, Michael Avenatti, Joy Behar, Kathy Griffin, Michael Moore, Tom Perez, A. Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Bernie Sanders, Shumer& Nadler...and various odd deep state socialists. WOKE, YET?
This will spread the Trojan Horse Virus "THVD20".... and will last for years. Masks will be used...not to protect you, but to rob you of your money, spirit, freedom, initiative, safety, success, and your amendments and due process under the constitution...upon which they will spill red paint and topple...as you sit on your ass, watching as you have over the last several years (both parties and independents). YOU ALL NEED WOKE UP !
...AND FOR THE BLACKS...nothing will change....
Remember the Southern Plantations? They were replaced by the Democrat Plantation...all blacks work and slave, there...and have for the past 40 years, plowing the dirt, planting the seeds, and harvesting the product...Democratic (Party) VOTESs...and they will do it again, and again, and again...just like the meek Republicans and Democrats, who are sitting on their collective asses giving away our amendments and due process rights. UPDATE >> Illegal Immigrants are now being recruited to work the Demosoc Plantation.
Come November, lets not let a violent Socialist minority, take over a Reasonable American Majority.
...It is imperative to keep in mind that the U.S. government is in bed with the Gates Foundation, the CDC, the WHO, and many criminal pharmaceutical companies. Government contracts for Covid vaccine production, government/pharmaceutical partnerships, additional government funding, and delivery partnerships expose the fascist nature of these projects. The banking and corporate powerful and the government are the drivers of this fake pandemic, and are also working together to vaccinate the world. Be very aware of the dangerous nature of such a nefarious consolidation between these corrupt entities that are bound to have ulterior motives that will be deadly.
We are heading into even more dangerous waters as this state terror continues. Hiding behind a mask will not protect you from what is to come.
"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it."
~ "The Ultimate Revolution". Aldous Huxley's speech at Berkeley Language Center, March 20, 1962.
The Coronavirus Response Is Pure State Terrorism Based on Propaganda
By Gary D. Barnett, August 1, 2020
Posted by: Dr Downtown Jon <ddtjon22@gmail.com>
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