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[ParanoidTimes] America's Revolutionary Founders Would Be Anti-Government Extremists Today


If you believe in and exercise your rights under the Constitution (namely, your right to speak freely, worship freely, associate with like-minded individuals who share your political views, criticize the government, own a weapon, demand a warrant before being questioned or searched by the police, or any other activity viewed as potentially anti-government, racist, bigoted, anarchic or sovereign), you're at the top of the government's terrorism watch list.

Indeed, under Barr's new task force, I and every other individual today who dares to speak truth to power could also be targeted for surveillance, because what we're really dealing with is a government that wants to suppress dangerous words -- words about its warring empire, words about its land grabs, words about its militarized police, words about its killing, its poisoning and its corruption -- in order to keep its lies going.

This is how the government plans to snuff out any attempts by "we the people" to stand up to its tyranny: under the pretext of rooting out violent extremists, the government's anti-extremism program will, in many cases, be utilized to render otherwise lawful, nonviolent activities as potentially extremist.

The danger is real.
Add in tens of thousands of armed, surveillance drones that are beginning to blanket American skies, facial recognition technology that will identify and track you wherever you go and whatever you do. And then to complete the circle, toss in the real-time crime centers being deployed in cities across the country, which will be attempting to "predict" crimes and identify criminals before they happen based on widespread surveillance, complex mathematical algorithms and prognostication programs.

Hopefully you're getting the picture, which is how easy it is for the government to identify, label and target individuals as "extremist."

And just like that, we've come full circle.

Imagine living in a country where armed soldiers crash through doors to arrest and imprison citizens merely for criticizing government officials. Imagine that in this very same country, you're watched all the time, and if you look even a little bit suspicious, the police stop and frisk you or pull you over to search you on the off chance you're doing something illegal.

America's Revolutionary Founders Would Be Anti-Government Extremists Today
By John W. Whitehead, June 29, 2020


Posted by: "Kick.The.NWO" <>

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