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[ParanoidTimes] Fw: World Affairs Brief July 24th, 2020 ---Sample
World Affairs Brief, July 24, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief (http://www.worldaffairsbrief.com).
This Week's Analysis:
Real Science Does Not Back Covid-19 Claims
More BLM Violence in Portland, Chicago, Denver and Albuquerque
Preparedness Tip: The Value of a Milk Cow
For the last five months we have been bombarded with a massive and non-stop wave of propaganda about the coronavirus and yet there has been virtually NO PUBLIC DEBATE on the merits of the claims by government, the medical establishment and the media. It has been a totally one-side blitz of exaggeration, misinformation and lies. Any opposition voices are quickly silenced by censorship on social media. Why not debate the claims? -Because none of these mainstream claims can be backed up by reliable science. All of the data presented by government and the media is falsified and/or exaggerated. The only thing that is true in the entire crisis is that there exists a new version of the coronavirus that does cause severe and sometimes deadly respiratory blood clotting in the lungs of those with certain chronic disease. The testing is bogus and full of false positives; the danger to normal people is low; the claim that asymptomatic people are secret carriers of the disease is almost never true; the death rate is highly exaggerated by improperly assigning Covid 19 as the primary cause of death, even to those dying of other diseases; and the claimed remedies like social distancing, shutting down businesses, banning gatherings of groups, and wearing masks are preposterous and meant only to intimidate people into being blind sheep, as well as to create permanent damage to the economy. This week, I will cover the facts on all the major issues so you have the other side of the story.
Governments, heady with power to "defend public health" are resorting to mandatory state-wide mask edicts. Here is the updated national map on which state and counties are mandating masks. Notice that North and South Dakota are the only states that are free of any mask mandate, including local orders. All other conservative states have a least one county with a mask mandate.
There is resistance in Texas to Governor Abbot's mandatory order: Nearly 80 Texas counties have opted out of Gov. Greg Abbott's mask order. Others refuse to enforce it.
In Michigan there is growing push-back from Sheriffs who are hesitant to enforce coronavirus-related executive orders from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who has issued over 150 such edicts to curtail the pandemic.
Whitmer recently issued an order demanding businesses deny service to customers without a face mask... Some law enforcement officials are bristling at the notion of enforcing Whitmer's order, which some view as legally suspect. Ionia County Sheriff Charlie Noll (R) told Mlive, "We're not the mask police … and I think we need to be realistic and keep in mind that we are (close to) infringing on people's rights. I don't know how much more we really need to be sticking our nose in their business."
But it is even worse in California where some cities are mandating entire apartment buildings be quarantined, as reported by Natural News:
Residents of an apartment building in Ventura, California, found themselves prisoners in their own homes as they were "locked down" in their own apartment building and subjected to mandatory covid-19 testing and quarantine restrictions.
Commentator Tom Deweese told of a young couple who got locked down in their home with ankle tracking bracelets.
With their family's best interest in mind, the couple [stupidly] voluntarily got tested for the Coronavirus. Unfortunately, the woman tested positive, even though she showed no symptoms. As a result, the County Health Department asked her to self-quarantine and sign documents agreeing to call the Health Department ANYTIME she left the house. She did not refuse to self-quarantine, but she did refuse to sign those documents.
After refusing to sign the paperwork, the case was turned over to law enforcement. Suddenly, eight law enforcement and health officials were pounding on the couple's door. The health official lied to the judge and said the couple refused to self-quarantine.
With that kind of show of force, you would think they were terrorists. But the consequences of this Covid hysteria are even more severe if you go to a hospital to have a baby. Here is the horror story of one subscriber who can't get her baby back after birthing in a hospital. They are going to test you for Covid and if you test positive, you have lost all your rights.
Thanks for info Joel, much appreciated. I've heard you talk about the smart decision you and your wife made about home births after the ordeal you experienced with the birth of your first child in the hospital... I've been hesitant to share my story, because It's not over yet...
As you know I went into the hospital on June 29th for pre term labor, they stopped the labor, tested me for covid with the rapid quick test (negative) and sent me home the next afternoon.
2:30 am July 11th, I woke up in bed, in excruciating pain, and went straight to the hospital. They came in and told me my placenta was detaching and they wanted to do a C-section right then, they also said they needed to do another Rapid Covid test even though I was negative on the 29th.
40 minutes later they come to take me back to the O.R. and say "by the way, you're covid positive," sooo here I am, in complete shock, going into surgery that I'm already terrified of, super confused how in the hell I'm "covid positive"
They do the surgery, [twins were born]. I never saw them. They would not hold them up so I could look at them not even for a second. They took them away and transferred them to [a children's hospital].
After my surgery I was told that the rapid covid tests are not accurate and throw a lot of false positives. They suggested I take the confirmation test to prove I don't have covid and said as soon as those results were negative, I could see my babies. If I refused the confirmation test, I would not be allowed to see my babies at allll.....so I take the test.
Holding babies hostage for compliance is an easy tactic for hospitals to take, and it is happening increasingly often if parents refuse to let their baby be vaccinated in the hospital—which you should never do. The only way to be certain of avoiding this is have a home birth with a trained lay midwife.
The next morning, my nurse comes in to tell me the confirmation test was positive as well, so now I have two positive covid tests. So now they have to test my babies for covid, TWICE.....two days in a row....both of my babies are negative. I am not sick, I have no fever, no body aches, I feel great......NEVER HAD ANY SYMPTOMS
[4 days later] neither I nor their dad still have seen the babies. Even with a negative test their dad is not allowed to see them until he has a second negative test on July 20th and then they'll discuss allowing us to see our babies MAYBE on July 22nd. My babies are PERFECTLY fine. They are so healthy and strong and perfect. They need a little help eating at the moment because they're still a little small, but that's it. [They aren't allowed to breastfeed, and give them critical colostrum which is the best thing for babies.]
[Weeks later] So here we are sitting in our home, feeling perfectly normal and healthy, being told were not allowed to see our babies. I literally watch my babies from a live stream to my phone with no idea when I'll ever see them. When it comes to this [stuff] we have absolutely NO rights and NO say over ourselves or our children.
You see the trap being set? The rapid test is inaccurate, so they make you take a second inaccurate test as a "confirmation" but neither test is really a better test. None of these quick tests can confirm anything. This kind of testing tyranny can even happen even if you take your children in for a wellness visit where they push their first vaccines on your child—which you should NEVER accept. Here is one woman's bad experience.
I'm hearing more and more people coming up "positive" who have never even been tested. My second cousin has a new baby. They took her in for the first vaccines. The doctor wanted to test the Infant for COVID-19. The mom said "no". Two weeks later they came back for vaccines again. The doctor came in and said "your baby is positive for COVID-19". Then she proceeded to tell him that the test wasn't even done. I'm hearing this more and more with little kids, even adults who waited in line for hours and hours to get the stupid test, never got the test because the line was so long, then got called back saying they were positive.
I am warning all of you, stay away from the establishment medical system. Stay out of the hospitals if you value your liberty. There are plenty of naturopaths and maybe a few OD's who can help without forcing vaccines or tests upon you. Find alternatives now before you feel forced into going to hospital in an emergency.
If you haven't been motivated to get healthy, do it now. I haven't been to a hospital but once in my early life, and I don't intend to go again if I can help it.
Unfortunately, licensed Medical Doctors who are open to alternative therapies are being persecuted. A subscriber writes that her doctor is fleeing California after being investigated and threatened four times by the State Medical board for treating cancer without chemotherapy or radiation. Apparently he found out that California prohibits any other treatment, even if it works.
The doctor is leaving the state, telling his clients, "The medical establishment in California doesn't want me, and I no longer wanted to be part of its system. It seemed best to attempt to part ways." But the medical authorities are tyrannical and controlling in other states too, especially about alternatives to establishment protocols.
Another Doctor friend of mine in another more conservative state fears that his license will be on the line if he refuses the coming coronavirus vaccine. Without a license they would take away his freedom to practice. He is ready to quit medicine rather than take the vaccine.
Medical tyranny is getting bad all across the nation. The only US Senator that is contesting the official narrative is Sen. Rand Paul of KY, a physician by training. He said individuals "need to assess their own risks with regard to the virus." He added that for "those under 18, the risk of mortality is about one in a million or a little bit less. For those ages 18 to 45, it's about 10 out of 100,000 for the mortality. "Under age 45, this disease we're looking at is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. Above age 45, it's more dangerous than the seasonal flu," he said.
Robert Kennedy Jr., a public advocate of children's health points out, people are being declared and listed as positive for infection even when NOT tested, as revealed in Florida recently:
A report out of Florida shows many people who have never been tested for COVID-19 are receiving phone calls claiming they've tested positive. ABC 7 Sarasota talked with a woman called Mindy Clark who was in line to be tested for the virus when she noticed signs saying only those with symptoms should be tested. Despite leaving immediately after seeing the signs and never receiving a test, Clark was contacted by someone telling her she tested positive.
To label this a deadly pandemic and destroy people's livelihood is a grave injustice. That is because the test picks up all kinds of corona virus, and even if you did have a few Covid 19 virus particles in your nose or throat, the test doesn't test for quantity, and chances are very good that with a normal immune system, you would still never get sick.
Last week, I covered the extreme difficulty in trying to do a quick test for this complex virus, that has been bio-engineered from the SARS-1 coronavirus with elements spliced in from HIV, and other bio-engineered viruses. Simply taking a swab sample and cloning all the RNA a billion times doesn't isolate any unique RNA—and no one is willing to talk about how they possibly sort out the Covid 19 virus from all those billions in the sample and confirm it is Covid 19 and not SARS-1 or the common cold virus—without a full genetic analysis, which would take weeks—not two hours or even 40 minutes.
There is no quick way to reliably confirm Covid 19, and because the WHO and CDC are not requiring any of the testing labs to prove reliability, the market is flooded with tests which pick up generic corona viruses, not exclusively Covid 19, as they claim.
Testing and False Positives:
Everything out there in the media is concentrating on pushing the infectious rate narrative by emphasizing the "sensitivity" of the test: the numbers of false negatives—meaning that you test negative but actually have Covid 19. That is the only aspect they want you to believe is not accurate. A subscriber did some searches of medical journals and found about 300 studies done already about the Covid testing, and a large portion of these studies are published by the WHO—which is pushing this false pandemic. But in scanning through this list I came up with an article by Chinese scientists on the "specificity" of the test, meaning how well it limits the false positives (saying you have the disease when you don't). "Potential false-positive rate among the 'asymptomatic infected individuals' in close contacts of COVID-19 patients" published by the WHO. That seemed strange since the WHO are a key player in promoting this false pandemic, but it is a large organization and they often publish from other countries like China.
In this paper Chinese doctors reported from a limited data set on the false positive rate and concluded, "the active nucleic acid (RNA) test screening in the close contacts of the patients has been carrying out in many parts of China[.]] However, the false-positive rate of positive results in the screening has not been reported [until] now."
I knew that, and was anxious to see their results and why this was being covered up. They continued,
When the infection rate of the close contacts and the sensitivity and specificity of reported results were taken as the point estimates, the positive predictive value of the active screening was only 19.67%, in contrast, the false-positive rate of positive results was 80.33%
Here was a study confirming what I and others had suspected for months. Then I looked down at the listing in the search that followed this article and it said:
"[WITHDRAWN: Potential false-positive rate among the 'asymptomatic infected individuals' in close contacts of COVID-19 patients]" The WHO had officially withdrawn the article claiming "conclusions were depended on theoretical deduction, but not the field epidemiology data..." which was untrue. As I reported earlier, the WHO also demanded one of their European experts withdraw her statement that asymptomatic people don't spread the virus—showing their bias.
Exaggerated Death Rates:
Ron Paul had this summary of flagrant examples of deaths improperly being attributed to the disease:
Motorcycle accidents ruled Covid deaths? In the rush to paint Florida as the epicenter of the "second wave" of the coronavirus outbreak, government officials and their allies in the mainstream media have stooped to ridiculous depths to maximize the death count. A television station this weekend looked into two highly unusual Covid deaths among victims in their 20s, and when they asked about co-morbidities they were told one victim had none, because his Covid death came in the form of a fatal motorcycle accident.
Washington state last week revised its Covid death numbers downward when it was revealed that anyone who passed away for any reason whatsoever who also had coronavirus was listed as a "Covid-19 death" even if the cause of death had nothing to do with Covid-19.
In South Carolina, the state health agency admitted that the "spike" in Covid deaths was only the result of delayed reporting of suspected Covid deaths.
An analysis of reported daily Covid deaths last week compared to actual day-of-death in Houston revealed that the recent "spike" consisted largely of deaths that occurred in April through June. Why delay reporting until now?
We do know that based on this "spike" the Democrat mayor of Houston cancelled the convention of the Texas Republican Party. Mission accomplished? Doesn't it seem suspicious that so many states have experienced "delayed" reporting of deaths until Fauci and his gang of "experts" announced that we are in a new nightmare scenario?
Last week in Florida – which is perhaps not coincidentally the location of the Republican Party's national convention – another scandal emerged when hundreds of Covid test centers reported 100 percent positive results. Obviously this would paint a far grimmer picture of the resurgence of the virus. Orlando Health, for example, reported a positivity rate of 98 percent – a shocking level – but a further investigation revealed a true positivity rate of only 9.4 percent. Those "anomalies" were repeated throughout the state.
"Cases" once meant individuals who displayed sufficient symptoms to be treated in medical facilities. But when the scaremongers needed a "second wave" they began reporting any positive test result as a "Covid case." No wonder we have a "spike."
The Masks Don't Work
Idiotic Americans who succumb to the mask mandate want everyone to suffer like them. The Daily Mail reported that,
On an American Airlines flight from Ohio to North Carolina a women refused to wear a mask. When confronted by a passenger, the woman said she had a medical condition. When the woman was asked to leave, passengers aboard the plane erupted in applause and cheers as she sniped back, 'You can clap all you want.'
Good for her. Don't let them feel self righteous just because the whole world is deceived by this big lie. While the media is still pushing the resurgence of Covid in order to keeping pushing the mask agenda, Salt Lake County leaders (the only Democrat controlled section of conservative Utah) is giving credit to their mask policy for the claimed recent COVID-19 stabilization.
They can't wait to declare victory and establish a permanent pattern of medical mandates. But as Karen De Coster writes, Dr. Fauci doesn't want any testing done on mask effectiveness (lest it show that they are worthless).
Dr.. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday he opposes conducting a controlled study on the effectiveness of masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. "…I would not want to do a randomized controlled study because that would mean having people not wear masks and see if they do better," he said.
Of course millions are already going without masks and not getting sick. But why deny a trial, when several have already been done and show that masks don't make any difference? That is the real reason Fauci doesn't want a real test done.
The best short video summary of the scientific studies showing that masks don't work is by Ben Swann in Truth In Media. Swann is one of the best conservative investigative reporters out there. The video has been removed by YouTube, but some audio is still available and so is his summary with the most important research points.
Denis G. Rancourt, PhD has the evidence Swann presents in writing: Masks Don't Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy. Here is his opening paragraphs and conclusions. In the link he cites all the relevant research, which you can read.
There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles.
Furthermore, the relevant known physics and biology, which I review, are such that masks and respirators should not work. It would be a paradox if masks and respirators worked, given what we know about viral respiratory diseases: The main transmission path is long-residence-time aerosol particles (< 2.5 μm), which are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective dose is smaller than one aerosol particle.
The present paper about masks illustrates the degree to which governments, the mainstream media, and institutional propagandists can decide to operate in a science vacuum, or select only incomplete science that serves their interests. Such recklessness is also certainly the case with the current global lockdown of over 1 billion people, an unprecedented experiment in medical and political history.
Second Pre-planned Pandemic Coming:
Dr. Anthony Fauci said this week it is unlikely Covid-19 will ever be eradicated. He also said years ago that the incoming administration would face a terrible pandemic. He is being accused of knowing in advance about this planned pandemic.
Bill Gates is already making the case for drawing this one out through next year. As the Daily Mail noted,
Bill Gates warns that multiple doses of any coronavirus vaccine may be necessary, schools could be closed until fall 2021 and says 'serious mistakes were made' by the US with the handling of COVID-19 [trying to pin the blame on Trump].
And it appears that the PTB aren't through testing how stupid Americans are. Both the head of the CDC and Bill Gates have talked openly about the next pandemic. Bill Gates even smiles about how the next one will "get their attention" faster. He hypothesis about the idea of biological terrorists picking a pathogen with a high death rate possibly being the second pandemic.
Gary Barnett talks about their plans for another round here starting with quotes from Robert Redfield, the director of the CDC:
"There's a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through. And when I've said this to others, they kind of put their head back, they don't understand what I mean… We're going to have the flu epidemic and the coronavirus epidemic at the same time."
In my opinion, these are not simply prognostications, but are warnings of things already planned and known. Part of the reason for these announcements is to set the stage for the final nail in the coffin of freedom, and to prepare the sheep for mass death purposely created to advance this sinister agenda of total population control. The CDC, and therefore the state, will recommend the flu vaccine followed by the Covid vaccine, and both will infect all recipients with multiple viruses and poisons at a time when the bulk of society is most vulnerable. [This is by design.]
After several months of lockdowns, a carrot was dangled for a brief period, with promises of reopening. That reopening never actually happened in full, as the restrictions remained during the pause, and then the stopgap plan of arranged fake racial strife, rioting, looting, and property destruction was allowed to continue until the next part of this plot could be released on the public. The beginning strategy of this second phase was based on false case increases, enough to instill fear in an already beaten down populace that is once again being told to isolate, mask, distance, and lockdown. The final part of this second phase will come with the first sign of cold weather, and this has already been put into motion due to the near complete decimation of general health due to the government response to this hoax.
What the CDC head is indicating with his comments is that he knows that the flu season coming will be much more devastating than normal, and that all sickness and death will be blamed on a virus that has never been properly scientifically isolated, identified, or verified. That will matter not, as after 8 months of mandated isolation and lockdowns,.. the evil controllers of this fraud that plotted this outcome from the beginning, will use the purposely created weakness of the masses to advance their agendas of control.
Then Gary gets to the long term agenda, that goes forward even after this crisis dooms Trump's chances for reelection:
This is the most dangerous time in the history of man. The seriousness of this plot cannot be underestimated. It is not due to any threat of conventional war, and it is not due to any threat of nuclear decimation, it is based on the fact that this is a psychological war waged by psychopaths against all mankind, and it is being advanced by a small group of monsters that have taken control of the minds of the masses through long-term indoctrination and policies meant to breed dependency. Fear is the new weapon of mass destruction, not because it is legitimate, but because the people have lost all will to be free, have lost all ability to think, and seek shelter and comfort as a collective herd only capable of existence in a society that is based on totalitarian rule.
Busting all the Covid Myths:
My analysis has been focused on the false positive testing that is driving all these draconian measures. Here is a website that uses the establishment data, inflated as it is, to disprove all the myths the media is claiming about the pandemic. It is comprehensive and very well done. They go through every piece of false propaganda we hear and debunk each one. Here are some excerpts, but I encourage you to read the entire debunking list, which includes details to back them up.
Falsity #1: Children Can Easily Spread COVID to Adults, Including Their Teachers. This is the rationale for having kids wear masks in school. Response: "children extremely rarely transmit COVID, possibly because their virus load is smaller compared to adults. In fact, some scientists recently shared that they could not find a single case in the world where a child infected a teacher."
Falsity #2: COVID is Easily Spread By Asymptomatic Carriers. The little science we do have supports the idea that people who do not currently display symptoms of COVID, very rarely transmit COVID. If this is true, it begs the question why we are moving forward with mandating masks and continuing the social distancing game?
Falsity #5: You Can Get Re-Infected With COVID (Just After You Have Had It). Since late May, Korean researchers have confirmed that you cannot get reinfected with COVID, and that these seemingly positive tests people get after being infected and recovering are just false-positives.
Falsity #6: Social Distancing Is Based On Sound Science. Social distancing has never been scientifically proven as a valid tool to slow down or stop the spread of a respiratory virus. Its efficacy is unknown. The idea of social distancing is thought to have originated in a 14 year olds' science fair project. The distance that has been used in different countries has been "conjured out of nowhere", certain countries like the US and Canada essentially doubling WHO's 1 meter rule to "be on the safe side".
Falsity #11: COVID is Very Deadly For the General Population. "This is nothing more than a flu epidemic if you care to look at the numbers and the data, but people who are in a state of anxiety are blind." — Yoram Lass, former Director-General of Israel's Health Ministry. The reality is that COVID has a lethality similar to a harsh flu season — with an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of anywhere between 0.1-0.5%.
Falsity #12: COVID is a Death Sentence For The Elderly. "...But it still isn't clear if COVID is any more deadly than other coronaviruses which are already known to be very dangerous in the elderly, or even more dangerous than the flu. In a recent interview, 2013 Nobel prize winner Michael Levitt said that the age profile of those who died from COVID across Europe is virtually identical to people who normally die from the flu.."
Falsity #15: 2020 Has Been A Very Deadly Year. "The latest data (July 5th 2020) from Europe, analyzed by Ivor Cummins, clearly shows that excess mortality has barely increased compared to the 2017-2018 flu season.."
Falsity #16: We Need More Ventilators. "This might have seemed true at first, but it's rapidly been increasingly clear that ventilators are the wrong medical intervention against COVID in a lot of cases. Data from late April in New York City confirmed that an extremely high number of patients (97.2% over 65 years of age) who were put on ventilators died. Normally, you would expect around 40 to 50% of patients with severe respiratory distress to die while on ventilators."
Falsity #17: Lockdowns Have Saved Millions of Lives. "Scientists are getting away scot-free for causing billions of dollars' worth of damage and this is something that cannot be allowed to happen. It's not just the World Health Organisation. [Nile] Ferguson [Cambridge, who predicted millions would die] wanted Sweden to lockdown, got Britain to lockdown, and when the numbers become normal, exactly what you would expect without lockdown. He then says, ah it's because of lockdown. This is terrible science. This is science which should go on trial. Scientists cannot cause damage like this and refuse to listen." — Michael Levitt, 2013 Nobel Prize Chemistry
Falsity #21: The US is Facing a Dangerous 2nd Wave. "He explains how the rise in positive cases corresponds with the rise in testing, and does not equate with a rise in deaths."
Falsity #22: We're Very Far From Herd Immunity, And Reopening Too Early Is Deadly.
"Many media reports argued that up to 80% of all people needed to have caught COVID and developed antibodies before the pandemic died down on its own — the so-called Herd Immunity everyone has been talking about. Some scientists now suggest that the real threshold for COVID Herd Immunity is around 10-20%. This is plausible, and would finally explain why lifting COVID lockdowns has essentially not led to a significant increase of COVID cases, deaths or hospitalizations, virtually anywhere in the world." [There is much more in the link above.]
This is new information from what I have published before. Finally, we have a full debate on the vaccine mandate between Alan Dershowitz and Robert Kennedy jr. They each go out of their way to be cordial but the stakes for liberty couldn't be higher. I think clearly that Robert Kennedy Jr. comes out way ahead and so do an overwhelming number of viewers in the poll afterwards.
Kennedy points here how Gates and Fauci are already backtracking on their confidence in the coming vaccine being safe and effective:
Bill Gates and the World Health Organization (see video) say they have confidence in the two leading COVID vaccines: the AstraZeneca (Oxford) vaccine and Moderna's. Gates is invested in both. Their endorsement of these two lemons should worry anyone hoping that Operation Warp Speed, its billionaire patron and global regulators are capable of yielding a safe or effective shot.
Since February, Gates, Fauci, and WHO have been promising a jab that will induce immunity in 7 billion people, prevent transmission, and impose minimal side effects (see video.) Their current race to lower expectations cannot keep pace with the poor performances of their troubled products. Gates is now hinting that the vaccine may not prevent transmission. Fauci will now settle for 70% immunity.
In Kennedy's letter to WV legislators, he says the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is "likely to make more people sick than COVID-19."
On July 14, 2020 the New England Journal of Medicine published the preliminary report of the results from the phase 1 trials of Moderna's vaccine for COVID-19. Despite an extremely high percentage of Moderate to Severe adverse events after the second dose, the group's conclusion was that "no trial-limiting safety concerns were identified. These findings support further development of this vaccine."
Kennedy counters that: "80% of healthy subjects (avg age 33 years old) in the 100 mcg and 250 mcg dose groups had moderate to severe adverse events after the 2nd vaccination." No concerns? Sounds like a coverup to me.
Tom Pappert reviewed the extensive damage history of the Swine Flu vaccine where he documents that 46 million were vaccinated unnecessarily, and how many died.
In 1976, the Center for Disease Control made the unprecedented decision to vaccinate the United States against swine flu, fearing that it would become a pandemic in the country that would rival the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919. Later, it was established that the mass vaccination attempt was largely unnecessary, and may have proved fatal for some of the 46 million Americans who received it in the massive effort.
After announcing his mass vaccination campaign, CDC director Sencer ordered 200 million doses of the vaccine manufactured, and President Gerald Ford promoted the vaccine by being photographed receiving it at the White House. Less than two weeks after the program began, however, 25 Americans died after receiving the vaccine.
"Scores of others were affected by a mysterious form of progressive paralysis called Guillain-Barre syndrome," the Washington Post noted. "Many became temporarily paralyzed, and several died."
Sencer vehemently denied that those deaths were related to his vaccine, though contemporary experts warned that the swine flu vaccine had not been properly tested and could not be assumed safe.
Watch out for claims of safety in consent forms:
Among other alarming elements of the 1976 initiative is an apparent bait-and-switch pulled when Americans went to mass vaccination facilities, where doctors may not have been present, to receive their vaccines. Americans signed a waiver saying that a swine flu vaccine had been tested, but then received another vaccine that did not undergo the testing. [Which could have been even more dangerous.]
Now you know why Big Pharma wants immunity: See Andrew Wakefield's documentary on how Big Pharma got that immunity: "1986: The Act" Natural News has this intro and a link to the trailer: Lastly here is an extensive review of The Top 10 Reasons to Never Take a Vaccine
1. Toxic Ingredients
2. Toxic Adjuvants – Aluminum
3. Hidden Ingredients – Immunity-Destroying Nagalese
4. Injection of Human and Animal Cells
5. Blood Sludge, Hypoxia, Ischemia and Localized "Strokes" in Your Body
6. The Herd Immunity Myth Busted
7. Viral Shedding
8. Possible Side Effects of Paralysis and Death
9. Insufficient Legal Recourse
10. The Vaccine-Sterilization-Depopulation Connection
Detailed explanations to each of the 10 claims in the above link.
Sensitivity or diversity training is all the rage now in corporations big and small, but as Zerohedge reported, it is leading to a severe curtailment of our free speech.
We're told that institutional 'bias reduction' training and 'diversity' hiring policies are meant to create an inclusive environment which values and respects minorities. Upon closer inspection, the opposite seems to be the case. Diversity training and hiring practices do not extinguish prejudice – they actually promote it. Ex-Google and Facebook employee, Patrick Shyu, explains why 'diversity' policy creates more problems than solutions.
Richard Moorhead writes about the new chilling censorship that is the result of this PC diversity training push: 62% of Americans are Afraid to Express Their Political Views
A new survey from the Cato Institute/YouGov reveals that a wide majority of Americans fear speaking openly on their own political and social views, citing the threat of persecution from the cultural left and major corporations.
Infowars.com the longest running target of censorship in social media complains again that,
Google search has blacklisted numerous major conservative websites by removing them from results in what appears to be a major new censorship purge. Breitbart, the Daily Caller, Infowars, Human Events and Red State are all missing when a user searches directly for those websites on Google.com. Some of the sites have small link from their Wikipedia bio on the right hand side, but are absent from main search results.
Searches for direct headlines from the same outlets also return either nothing or links to corporate media news stories. The fact that the purge has happened less than four months before the presidential election once again makes a mockery of Google's claim to be non-bias.
Facebook Censors are all Democrat Hacks: RT noted that,
Facebook fact-checker Lead Stories is a biased outfit bristling with ex-CNN staffers that presents itself as neutral, despite most of its employees having donated to the Democratic Party, a conservative outlet has revealed. The National Pulse (TNP), whose story about supposed financial links between Black Lives Matter, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, and fundraiser ActBlue was flagged as "partly false" by Lead Stories on Facebook, did some digging on Wednesday to find out who was behind the smear, after their efforts to contest the label were apparently stonewalled.
A top official in Taiwan warns that the "Chinese Military is Preparing to Invade Taiwan." His evidence is pretty convincing:
Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu warned that the Chinese military is preparing to overtake Taiwan, raising the alarm of the major threat to the international community."Looking on the long-term trend, China appears to be gradually stepping up its military preparedness, especially in air or on the waters near Taiwan," Wu told reporters."What China is doing now is continuing to ramp up preparedness to solve the Taiwan issue. The threat is on the rise," he added, according to Reuters.
The recent flights over Taiwan by the Chinese military are part of escalating preparations to take over the island, which is located approximately 100 miles to the east of China's shores, the foreign minister said. The warning comes amid calls in the US for new laws that would allow American troops to defend Taiwan in the event that China invades.
Wu said that Chinese military aircraft invaded Taiwan's airspace "almost every day" last month and were "much more frequent" than what Taiwan had initially told the media and that China also "simulated" several military attacks on Taiwan
Overflights are for military reconnaissance purposes, so Wu is probably right. The big question for my subscribers is, will an invasion of Taiwan precipitate WWIII? The US has long declined to link an attack on Taiwan with our own national security, and given the power of the globalists in the Trump administration, I think the US would NOT come to the aid of Taiwan.
There would be a lot of verbal sparing and international condemnation, but in the end, as in the Russian takeover of Eastern Europe, the West will do nothing other than threaten sanctions against China.
The US did close down the Chinese consulate in Houston this week over flagrant spying, but China has been spying on the US from every angle for years, and yet the US still allows China to buy up large swaths of US land near military bases—a real threat to national security. Only US citizens should be able to buy up US businesses and land.
All of the violence against private and federal property in these cities is due to Democrat mayors and leaders giving orders to police to tolerate some violence. This permissive policing is being taken advantage of by Marxist militants like the Youth Liberation Front, as described in this article. Week after week, we see police in Democrat-controlled cities standing down and letting violence have its way.
Denver Police even stood down as Antifa paramilitary forces attacked Michelle Malkin and her group of peaceful pro-police demonstrators. Donald Trump sent in federal officers to Portland, Oregon to protect the federal building which Antifa tried to burn down.
Radical Portland Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty had the audacity to accuse her own Portland Police department of "starting the fires themselves" to justify "attacking community members." The police chief under her authority challenged her to provide evidence of the "completely false" suggestion. She had no evidence.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) defended its actions in Portland yesterday as a necessary defense of federal property in the face of inaction by state and local officials. DHS officials noted that officers were wearing identifying insignia, but not name tags, given the tactics of Antifa rioters, who routinely "dox" law enforcement officers to harass and attack them at their personal residences or elsewhere, according to Breitbart News. Doxing means to search for and publish private or identifying information about a particular individual on the internet, typically with malicious intent—so they can be harassed at home.
NYT nearly Doxes Tucker Carlson: At the close of his program on Monday night, Fox News Channel's Tucker Carlson revealed The New York Times had a story in the works that would divulge the location of his home, which could potentially put him and his family in harm's way.
"Last week, The New York Times began working on a story about where my family and I live," he said. "As a matter of journalism, there is no conceivable justification for a story like that. The paper is not alleging we've done anything wrong, and we haven't. We pay our taxes. We like our neighbors. We've never had a dispute with anyone. So why is The New York Times doing a story on the location of my family's house? Well, you know why. To hurt us, to injure my wife and kids so that I will shut up and stop disagreeing with them."
The Epstein Coverup: Here is a video that relies on firsthand witnesses who describe how Epstein's blackmail and Honey Trap schemes work and explain his relationship to Les Wexner and other globalists in the Jewish Mafia. It is riveting.
ANTIFA Tough Guy Reveals who is Bailing Them Out Of Jail: In this video clip, an Antifa thug shows the cop a telephone number tattooed on his forearm, and brags about how the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), will bail them out. The NLG remains an active affiliate of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), an international Communist front. And Brent Bozell, the Founder and President of the Media Research Center, reminded his Twitter followers on July 17, 2020 that Bank of America donated $1 billion to leftist causes which include Black Lives Matter. Boycott them.
Prosecutors tampered with St. Louis couple's gun to charge them: American Military News reported that St. Louis prosecutors had to prove the McCloskey's brandished firearms capable of lethal force against mob violence to protect their home, in order to file charges. But when the police lab disassembled the wife's handgun, they found it was not capable of being fired because the firing pin spring was in the wrong position. The McCloskeys had done that on purpose so the gun could be used at trial in a lawsuit. The prosecutors instructed the police to put the weapon back together properly so they could falsely claim it was capable of lethal force. Someone in the lab leaked the original report that documented the weapon's inoperable status. The governor has stated he intends to pardon the couple if prosecuted.
Tucker Carlson, dedicated a part of his show to the McCloskey's plight saying that they had to defend themselves because the police in St. Louis refused to come and help. You should hear McCloskey's side of the story, and how those that were threatening his home openly said they were intending to break the law. They were not arrested, only he and his wife.
Israel Trying to Provoke a War Between US and Iran: Sputnik News said truthfully,
Iran in the past weeks has suffered a series of unexplained incidents at sensitive sites linked to its military and nuclear programme. Some of them have been attributed to Israel, which would not publicly confirm or deny its role. There are concerns in Europe that Israel might be trying to drag the United States into a conflict with Iran before the November general election, an anonymous EU official has told Business Insider.
The very idea of getting a milk cow in today's day and age is downright unthinkable for most people. Keeping a large animal that would "tie us down" with morning and evening milking and feeding chores is more than most people will consider. But when it comes to real long-term self-sufficiency, few single items will do more to improve your long-term food supply than a milk cow. Although most people are not in the right circumstances to take on such a large animal, here are some of the impressive ways a cow gives back in exchange for mowing your pasture, and why you should think about a milk cow, goat or sheep in your future preparations.
Milk: Milk will be incredibly valuable in hard times. This simple staple food is a nourishing source of most vital nutrients, and is an easy source of protein that doesn't require animal slaughter. Both milk and eggs rank very high on the list of barter items: Everyone wants them, they are easily identifiable, people need them on a constant basis, and you can use them yourself.
But what if you don't have refrigeration? The secret to managing milk is with kefir. This unique colony of probiotic bacteria and yeasts is nothing short of miraculous. Kefir is a small gummy grain of symbiotic cultures that can easily grow into large clumps that you scoop out of yesterday's milk (that is now a yogurt consistency) and drop into the new milk from today. By taking over the milk with beneficial bacteria they fight off the pathogens and literally make the milk shelf stable. Although it slowly starts forming into cheese in warm environments, it stays edible through the entire process. Kefir is the secret to making all other dairy products on the homestead.
All Dairy: Together with kefir grains and some basic equipment your milk cow can supply you with cream, butter, sour cream, cream cheese, cottage cheese, whey, creme fraiche, soft cheeses, mozzarella, and even hard alpine cheeses like cheddar and gouda.
Beef: Every year or so, the cow will need to be "refreshed" by having a calf. The calf will either be a heifer with the potential to sell as a milk cow or a bull calf that in two years will be full size and ready to be slaughtered for meat. Dairy cows like Jerseys and Holsteins give too much milk for their calf. If there is a dairy near you, they will practically give away newborn male calves and you can put 2 or even 3 calves on the new mom, and she will raise them into milk-fed beef. Otherwise plan on milking out the rest of the milk morning and evening.
Pork: Another animal that loves milk and milk products is pigs. The whey from all forms of cheesemaking is healthy for people, but it is especially valuable for pigs. Besides the protein in the whey itself, the high lysine content helps pigs convert any carbohydrates in their diet (such as from grain) into protein.
Chicken and Eggs: When grain is scarce how will you feed your chickens through the winter? Pioneers found they could keep the chickens alive when foraging was scarce by feeding them curds and whey from clabbered milk. If you have a regenerating flock of chickens with a rooster and broody hens or an incubator, half of the new chicks will be roosters for meat and half will be hens for eggs. In both cases, milk can be the key to keeping these sources of food viable.
Manure: Don't underestimate the value of the waste side of keeping a cow or other milk animal. The manure from ruminants like cows and steers is one of the best sources of compost for the garden. Let it age and it will be very valuable as mulch. In the winter, the cows will congregate around the feeding area and leave a concentrated amount that is easier to gather from that spot, especially if located close to the compost area.
How much work is a milk cow? Plenty. In addition to the daily chores of milking and feeding it is important to keep moving an electric fence around your pasture to keep portions of it always regrowing. In the winter you will need hay, either from your own land or from a farmer. Someday you may have to barter for the hay, but milk and milk products should easily keep the cow paying for itself, just make sure you can sustain it in the meantime. The quantity of feed needed depends on the breed of cow. Dairy breeds like Jerseys and Holsteins need more calories because of the extra milk they have been bred to give every day. They need at least an acre of good pasture and supplemental grain feed. Smaller breeds like Dexters, Devons and Belfairs (this last one is half Jersey, half Dexter) consume half or less feed, can stay healthy with just pasture and stay small in size. The downside is they have to be bred by a similar sized bull or the calf will be too large to birth naturally. Depending on the pasture quality the smaller breeds only need ½ to 1 acre per head.
If you have less land consider Nubian milking goats or icelandic sheep. Goat and sheep milk has a different taste and the cream doesn't separate, but it is very nutritious and makes excellent cheese. These animals don't eat as much and are excellent additions to the homestead.
As people transitioned from nearly self-sufficient farms in post-WWII American living, to more modern lifestyles with other employment and an increased dependency on purchased goods, they gradually gave up aspects of the farm starting with the big fields, and then the farm animals but a whole generation hung on to the "family cow" because they knew how valuable it was. Someday when mass-produced items are hard to find, the home milk cow will again be rediscovered for the true wealth it represents. What other system can turn grass and weeds into milk and cream? Gradually everyone will remember why the milk cow (or milk goat, etc.) is truly the "heart of the homestead." [END]
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