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[ParanoidTimes] Paris-San Bernardino

Paris-San Bernardino
Friday, December 04, 2015

Remember the Paris attack, with the teams of expendable "martyrs", and the three white mercenaries, the "non-expendables", who drove up in a Mercedes, did their shooting, and then disappeared, never to be heard from, or spoken of, again, while the Muslim world of France continues to be torn apart looking for 'terrorists'.  Then there was the Saint-Denis engagement, an explosion, and dead Muslims/witnesses.

Tweet (FOX 11 Los Angeles):
"#BREAKING: Reports of an active shooter in San Bernardino. Police looking for 3 white males dressed in military gear. At least 20 injured"
Eventually, there is an engagement on the highway, a shootout, and dead Muslims/witnesses.

Some things that make you wonder:
1. "Farook and Malik, who are thought to have married earlier this year in Saudi Arabia, are parents to a young child, now orphaned, whom they left with a grandparent before heading out on their murder spree."

2. "A spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said the suspects threw a thick-gauge copper pipe out of the SUV, but no explosives were found inside. The fake pipe bomb was equipped with a piece of material made to look like a wick."  With an apartment allegedly full of real bombs - an apartment the authorities are allowing the press to rummage through - why would you throw a faked one?

3. "Baccari says the reserved Farook showed no signs of unusual behavior, although he grew out his beard several months ago. He said he had been sitting at the same table as Farook at the party on Wednesday morning, but his co-worker suddenly disappeared, leaving his coat behind."  As if he knew when to leave.

4. A comment by 'Clouds are nice':  "Good job they caught them or everyone would still be looking for the three white men wearing balaclavas."  Ha! "Correlations on Facebook Probably Key to ISIS Claim in San Bernardino"  "Female San Bernardino Shooter "Pledged Allegiance" to ISIS on Facebook"  A rather half-assed creation of the 'legend', with seemingly no other evidence of political inclination, and absurdly easy for anybody to fake.
"Lawyer For San Bernardino Gunman's Family Floats Sandy Hook Trutherism"

Is this another 'hybrid' 'terrorist' attack like Paris, where elements of ISIS and French intelligence worked hand in hand like the brothers they are, or is this some kind of patsy situation?


Posted by: "Kick.The.NWO" <>

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