- Urban Legends and the People Who Love Them
- The Deceptions of Barack Obama
- Secrets of the Stars: Tracing the Origins of Ancie...
- Google Adsense-genuine Business Empire!
- Scare Me, I Love It! or the Misadventures of the O...
- Affiliate Marketing and Adsense Publishing
- Adsense - Make Your Google Adsense Ads as Differen...
- A Growing Number Of States Rebelling Against The F...
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Urban Legends and the People Who Love Them
We've all likely heard one or two of them before. There's the story about the gang that offers girl the choice of being raped or having a facial scar in the form of a sick smile. In Japan, there is a mythical bus or train car where girls get raped and molested by the male passengers. In some areas of the US, there are stories of an psychotic killer that lurks in the backseats of cars and cuts the driver's head off with an ax. Some of us have heard stories about the Islamic woman who killed her husband's second wife with a scorpion hidden in the wedding dress. A few of us might even have heard of the highly secretive Global Conspiracy of the Bald. Or some of us might have heard one of thousands upon thousands of other stories, each with just enough truth to be believable. Regardless, the one thing that is certain is that, at some point in our lives, we've heard an urban legend.
Urban legends can sometimes be pinned down to fear and anxiety in society, particularly in the light of certain technological or social developments. For example, the “pervert bus†myth was made prevalent in Japan when trains and buses started emerging, before they became prevalent means of public transportation. Fear and anxiety, as well as ignorance, regarding the polygamous marriages allowed by Islam prompted the “scorpion in the wedding dress†myth, which shows a lack of understanding of the underlying social mores behind the multiple wives. Of course, like any good urban legend, myths of this sort persist long after the initial fear and anxiety have faded into obscurity.
Another common source of urban legends would be the products we use on a daily basis. One prevalent myth comes from the recent obsession with losing weight and staying thin. There are stories that, at one point in either the late 70s or early 80s, there was a mail-order weight loss pill that promised people who took them that they would never gain a pound. According to the stories, the weight loss pill worked because they contained parasitic worms that would inhabit the stomach. According to various records, there was never such a weight loss pill on the market. One more popular story involved a couple purchasing a car that was unbelievable in terms of fuel efficiency, having barely used a full tank after days of driving. The car was, according to the story, promptly stolen by oil companies after the couple commended the manufacturer on the engine design.
Of course, performance anxiety and social anxiety have also produced a number of urban legends, particularly of the “conspiracy theory†form. For example, there are hundreds of people that believe they are unable to get ahead in their professional lives because of pressure applied by one secret society or another. In some ways, this is a subtle form of performance anxiety, with the people unable to accept their psychological inability to perform better and placing the blame on an unseen “hand.†A touch of social anxiety also pervades in a number of conspiracy theories when taken to excess, as people become afraid of social interaction for fear of coming into contact with agents of some socio-political super-cabal. Typically, the performance anxiety that inspires a person to hold these legends as reality come with other psychological disorders.
Social anxiety can also take root in some older societies, particularly in Europe, when urban legends about secret organizations generally have more credence with the masses. The European continent is traditionally home to a variety of secret societies, which have goals ranging from world domination to controlling the global marketplace. In some respects, social anxiety sets in when people who are mentally and socially unstable in the first place hear the stories and begin to construct elaborate and implausible stories to back up the legends. The end result is that one ends up with a person that, essentially, believes that group is “out to get them.†The only real variation tends to be what the group is, though the Illuminati, the Camarilla, the Knights Templar, the Vatican, the New World Order, and Satanic cults are among the more typical.
The Deceptions of Barack Obama
The Obama Deception is a growing phenomena which articulates his ibvolvement with the progression of the New World Order and links to the groups which run the world's financial systems.There are many significant reports which uncover some of the latest developments with the movement towards a new global world order and its impact on every day citizens. The New World is a plan to transition the world from its present state to one of a global police state which will have tremendous control over the masses, as alluded to in Revelation 13. obama deceptions clearly contribute to this coming fulfillment.According to many politicial figure heads such as Henry Kissinger, the choice of Obama to take the world into a new world order is one which has been met with full approval. This comes at a time when the world financial systems have experienced significant melt down and the requirement for a more regulated world economic model has become a priority.It is a growing phenomena that obama's deceptions have been totally ignored by the mainstream media and cast a lull over the unsuspecting.The New World Order has been used as a political concept since the early 1990s and has enjoyed a strong resurgence in early 2009 with calls for a new global financial model. However the dark side to its interpretation is one which is the creation of a socialist global government system in fulfillment of bible.There are variations amongst adherents as to how the New World Order will be implemented. Some believe the New World Order will be controlled by a European Super State. Others believe it will be founded on the principles of the Club of Rome under the Illuminati. Other bible prophecy scholars feel it could be a resurgence of an islamic confederation, America as a fulfillment of Revelation 18, commercial babylon, whilst other believe that the Vatican and Jesuit Order will have some involvement.Whilst there may be differences of opinion regarding how the New World Order will be implemented, the common thread across all views is that the New World Order is ultimately evil and is designed to enslave the masses under dictatorial control.The Mark of the Beast is defined in the Bible as a system of economic control and the recent G20 Summit will undoubtedly be the trigger for the formation of a system of economic global governance.
Secrets of the Stars: Tracing the Origins of Ancient Cults and Cabals
We come together for protection against predators, for strength in numbers. Whether you are a Freemason or a Boy Scout, the reason you join forces with others of like-race and like-mind is to gain strength and protection.
In the extensive research for my new book and DVD, Secret Societies: Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge, Revelations About the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults, I found that, historically, the secret societies of the world are all connected and all derive from a similar if not the same source, and that the threads running through them all have been traced by scholars throughout the ages.
As Le Couteulx de Canteleu said in his Les Sectes et Societes Secretes published in 1863: “All secret societies have almost analogous initiations, from the Egyptian to the Illuminati, and most of them form a chain and give rise to others.â€
According to an article published in the Patriot 1922 by G.G. or ‘Dargon’, entitled “The Anatomy of Revolutionâ€,
“For centuries there have existed certain schools of mystical philosophy (with) . . . elements of Buddhism, Zoroastrianism and Egyptian occultism mingled with Grecian mysteries, Jewish Kabalism, and fragments of ancient Syrian cults. Out of the hodge-podge of Oriental philosophy, magic, and mythology arose . . Gnostic sects, and after the rise of Mohammedanism, heretical sects. . . To the same sources may be traced the ideas that inspired such political-religious movements of the Middle Ages as the Illuminati, Albigenses, Cathari, Waldenses, Troubadours, Anabaptists, and Lollards and the rise of early secret societies. The Templars are said to have been initiated by the Assassins into anti-Christian and subversive mysteries, and we find similar traces of an old and occult origin in the Alchemists, the Rosicrucians, and later mystical cults . . â€
This “analogous†form running through all secret societies is the underlying belief in and worship of the stars. It is this element which named them the shining ones and it is this element that is still at the root of so much misinterpreted symbolism. Even the Holy Vehm were ‘wissends’ who had the sun and the stars as symbols of power. This worship of the stars was known as Sabeism and the high Mason, Albert Pike, pointed out: “The seven great primitive nations, from whom all others are descended, the Persians, Chaldeans, Greeks, Egyptians, Turks, Indians, and Chinese, were all originally Sabeists and worshipped the stars.â€
The very power of understanding the stars was jealously guarded by priesthoods around the world, from Aztec to Egyptian. The role of the priest was to interpret the movements of the stars, sun, and moon, in order to predict the future and for navigation. This jealousy forged ciphers, codes and symbols and forced the hiding and destruction of implements and tools of the trade. Many of the Freemasonic symbols we see today were never meant for building, they were meant for astrology and the logic of the stars.
These secrets of the stars were mystical to the early peoples who could not understand the magic. Secrets were passed from one generation to the next by initiates and adepts and this is how the long thread was woven, by passing on knowledge and keeping it hidden. Eventually, the secret brotherhoods no longer knew why they kept their odd symbols secret and why they said strange invocations. Yet, through tradition and dedication to their brothers, they kept alive a rich tapestry, a tapestry that I and other scholars can break down and interpret.
Hidden History
We must pull hard on the thread to unravel the tapestry, one generation at a time. According to Le Couteulx de Canteleu, the priests or leading men of the organisations followed the Egyptian hierarchy. At the highest level, there was the priest, who alone could do magic and contact the gods. At the second, we find the greater initiates, those chosen from the people and who must maintain secrecy at all costs and protect the priesthood. At the third, the lesser initiates were only told things that were deemed proper.
In this hierarchical trinity, we see the plan of most, if not all, of the world’s secret societies. The majority of Freemasons today fall into the category of the lesser initiates; they seek no more because they know of no more. Only at the highest degrees in Freemasonry are the real secrets revealed, and yet there have been some who claim to have been higher-level initiates or indeed ‘priests’ and who have since ‘spilled the beans’. Anyone who has seen these supposed secrets of white powdered gold and even Jewish conspiracy plots will know that this is misinformation at best and money-making at worst.
Lessons for Today
Each generation tends to look forward, forgetting that our past holds intelligent and thought provoking answers to questions that are and will always be relevant. Because we begin each generation afresh, we do not see the thread running through each generation from the one beforeâ€"â€"the thread of the secret society.
In the 20th century, psychology and psychoanalysis emerged, and the clever new words that came with them. Yet, why are we arrogant enough to believe that we discovered the root of human psychological problems? This is utter rubbishâ€"â€"Psyche herself was a Greek goddess.
For thousands of years, man has sought answers to the conundrums of his own inner realityâ€"â€"the only radical change is the wording. When we say that a person is psychotic, our ancestors would have said they were touched by the spirits. Are we more advanced than our ancestors?
90% of the world’s population still believes in God, yet, we still rage war in the name of religion and we pollute the environment and destroy our own homes. There is anthropological evidence to prove that ancient man was peaceful, living in harmony with his neighbor and respecting the earth and living in balance with it. As populations grew and more people occupied smaller spaces, minor wars erupted and even, violent sacrifices. Small bands of men gathered together to control those who fought, and these small bands emerged as our kings and queens, medicine men and priests, and our secret societies.
There is a lesson here for us all. Just 100 years ago, a billion people lived on the planet. Now, there are six billion and growing. Six billion people can do a lot of harm to themselves and the environment, destroying the whole for everyone. Without balance, without wisdom, without knowledge, where are we heading?
We may believe that some spark in the bio-chemical and electric brain is enlightenment, yet, it is not. Our masters tell us what to be like, what to buy, what to do and say. We no longer need to know ourselvesâ€"-the TV has all the answers. And yet, what we see on TV is a reflection of greed, money and capitalism and these can be interpreted as the dark forces of human nature. Light and dark are opposite sides of the same coin. Balance is wisdom, like a coin placed upon its edge, and like a coin, it can easily be knocked over.
I desire a good life that does not include a range of cars, a yacht in every port or another million. I am a realist, and the reality is that while one man has, another does not. My evolutionary instinct is to gather goods, property and wealth for the bad times ahead, to see me through the winter or the coming storm. The down side of this is that we grow that divisive side of our nature, greed, and somebody somewhere suffers. We join forces with others and hold our newfound cabal in secrecy, protecting it until time matures the original intention until it becomes unrecognizableâ€"â€"these are the origins of the secret societies of the ancients.
The ancient Chinese texts tell us that mankind has been in this situation before many times and that his greed and ‘noise’ has brought his civilization crashing down to the ground. How close are we to doing it yet again? How ‘noisy’ are we?
Google Adsense-genuine Business Empire!
Google's Adsense program is very user friendly. The number one reason Google's AdSense program has far outweighed Yahoo's Publisher Network is because they've been able to spread out as far and wide as possible in as little time as possible. You are now a member of the AdSense Illuminati. The Google Adsense, will display ads relevant to your topics. Build a knowledge site with a blend of affiliate programs along with Google AdSense ads and earn several nice paychecks a month. The Fix master confided that he used to make a ton of money from adsense but had committed the cardinal sin of spending it just as fast as he made it. Learning from the “legendâ€, they really treat their AdSense business as a REAL business empire. Have your own web site and join the free 'AdSense' program, Google gives you a code that you simply cut and paste into your web pages. With Adsense, you never ever want to click on your own ads go to www.instant-adsense-dollars.com.While, take time to learn and take action on registering a domain name and web host, creating web sites using FrontPage, uploading the files using FTP, they can get started immediately with Affiliate marketing and AdSense Publishing. Placing the Google adsense ad in the right spot of the page is crucial to how much money you will make. Google also lets you track your adsense code on different urls (channels) so you can see which web pages or blogs are earning you money. Techniques change on a daily basis, whether your niche is AdWords, adsense, free traffic generating, or affiliate marketing in general. Things like being able to have an opt-in box, auto responder set up on the back end, RSS feeds, daily new and fresh content that you write, You Tube like videos that are related to the subject matter, AdSense towers, membership capabilities, picture galleries and a whole host of other tricks and tactics. 1) Ways to make money from Adsense by Distributing articles through Ezine and Press Releases One effective method of increasing adsense revenue is simply increasing A number of factors come into play when AdSense tries to determine what the page is about: The URL of the page, the page title, the anchor text of links, the keywords that appear most frequently within the page, search engine queries that lead to the page or to another page that links to the pageâ€. Begin by utilizing AdSense and then add one strategy at a time. Software that will shell out a fully-fledged website in half an hour (and people expecting to bring online at least 5 of these a week), packages of ready-written Private Label Rights articles, membership sites where for a monthly fee you can get PLR packages on any topic that ranks high in keyword analyses, or ready-made content-rich sites already fitted out with Google Adsense codes. After a few weeks of running Ad links alongside regular Adsense ads, it's clear that the return on Ad links is about a fifth to a quarter higher than regular ads visit www.guardadsense.com. Post product reviews with your affiliate links, banners, Google AdSense and everything else that you would use your website for. This topic area is carefully selected in order produce maximum value from every eventual Adsense click. Immediately I see potential for products such as:- An e-book about headache remedies- An article about headache remedies (Easy Adsense Revenue)- forum, newsletter subscription Easy Adsense Revenue)- An intro page to an affiliate program- All of the above. Firstly, you need software that can build hundreds of your adsense sites fast using reprinted articles. After all this has been done, all that's needed is to maintain a stream of content running into the site and put AdSense or affiliate programs on it, and the money should cumulatively start rolling in. Go to Modules, Site Modules and click on the SW Adsense link. However, YPN requires a little more maintenance than AdSense for one very daunting reason. Try to experiment with the background color, font and text colors to achieve the desired click-through campaign and, hence, maximizing your adsense income.
Scare Me, I Love It! or the Misadventures of the One in the Land of Many-colored-coatings
I have been watching with great interest for quite a while many news events and reports, press comments, and internet newsgroups' opinions. Lots of information, and much learning. I have tried in the remote Influencing course to explain the ABC on the light/sound language of Creation. For it is the sounds of vibratory light that gives birth to our illusory world and its manifold stories to choose from and energize in our own consensus bubbles of virtual reality worlds that either intersect in groupings of like-minded harmonious (love) symphonies (Oneness), or resonates to destructive dissonant fear-emotions showing the desire to separate from one's own reflections (the ones across) and experience paranoia/hatred.
Richard Bach wrote in "Illusions: the adventures of a reluctant Messiah" that "you teach best what you need to learn the most" and you all often tend to get lost in the prepared or created misconceptions that the multi-faceted Lattice (Matrix) allows us to choose from, and forget to see the lesson that it tries to teach you. You do not seem to realize that ALL of your perceptual individual universe (individual reality) is but a dance between you as the actor/observer (as the lower self operating in the 3D space/time land of Nod), and the Projector (Higher Self: you also) operating on the 4th dimension at the interface between that dimension and the higher ones, in order to give you an impression of a world "out there."
No matter what story or plot you desire to energize, the rule is simple and as follows: If you energize and believe in an harmonious story: Harmony will eventually be the modus operandi of your Universe (reality) - all of it - and you will attract other (universes: individual realities) of like vibrations. In the sea of Vibratory fields of The One this is how groupings of interacting individual realities are formed.
However, if you energize dissonant, dis-eased, and hateful stories, they are yours to experience in your consensual virtual reality game with other like-minded players and the many more soul-less accessories (barely sentient programs using AI sentient-like impression, thrown at you in order to give more of a sense of reality to your sensory 3D movie).
Nothing, absolutely nothing exists as a holographic reality outside of you! Your holographic reality (the Cosmos) is projected from inside out. Nothing really moves - absolutely nothing. There is only movement within consciousness. Only consciousness positions Itself within the Dream to get different perspectives: both spatial, temporal, and understanding-wise.
I hear and see lately a proliferation of ET, new world order, illuminati, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and highly creative odd conspiracy plots spreading like wildfire everywhere. The perception by some that these are real infamous characters/groups is certainly not a coincidence. They are you! Everything is only testing you and all of your facets. You think and always invent enemies "out there" when the only real enemy is within yourself, and the "out there" is but a reflection of who you are and have become! What you hate, fear, or love on the outside, is really but what you dislike, fear, or love within your self. If you harbor an inner fear of others, enemies will soon be at your gates, and you will experience fear-full and hellish situations. If you show only inner love and care towards all others, then lovers and helpers will show at your gates, and paradise will be your fate. The world is but a manifestation and projection of where you are and who you are. Bogey men are great constructs. Just give them power with your thoughts and they can suddenly bring your whole world tumbling down! Watch terror masters, and all the other created holographic programs that we love to energize in our individual universes, at the risk of bringing our house-of-cards down over them, and us with it. Can these holographic programs hurt you? You bet they can, greatly so, especially if you energize them with heightened fear!
Let me tell you my friends: As long a you do not see past the "reality of the Matrix world" and transcend even the "real" world of metaphors that rules the 3D world, you will be imprisoned in the prisons of your mindsets and will not vibrate to Higher Fields of clusters of the ONE.
The closer you get to the One, the more harmony the sound of Light projects, and you get then to experience the infinite dot of ultimate Creative energy.
The further you vegetate from it, the more your fear/stories will crystallize, and what you have defined as what you should fear will show that definition with ever growing force in your 3D Dream! No judgment here, just a choice.
This is the goal of our teachings and courses: give you the tools necessary to at the very least transcend the myopic fascination many have with all the stories pre-programmed in this Matrix, grasp from a higher point of awareness the "bigger picture," and learn to experience how to consciously choose one's path and make full use of your original free-will which you most often subrogate to others. We yearn to have you finally express the Unity within, by being always in the peaceful realization that you are ok and eternal, although a maelstrom of fear-laden situations is blowing around you with hurricane-force winds. And you will then have shown your mastery over fear, false power, and division, by always feeling that you are in the peaceful, non-moving Consciousness center, the infinite dot of the One - the One Eye above the duality of the two lower physical eyes: the Eye of the storm. And you then will not have to ever project again into the "Valley of the Shadow of Death:" FearLand itself - as this reality/world: the ultimate test on the way to paradise - for you WILL NOT FEAR anymore, knowing that the One is inside of you, watching over you, and calling you in Its "small voice" to unite with Its perception of being One-ness.
Lately, I have been a bit shocked to see an underlying pervasive anti-this and anti-that mental direction infiltrating many of the minds of the world at large.
It is irrelevant what some author/investigator or so-called self-proclaimed authority says, unless you give it high emotional energy by fighting it and/or embracing it. In both cases (especially when fear-laden plots are concerned) you are inviting that kind of energy to resurface around you (not necessarily in the same holograms and expressions) and become part of the reality bubble you experience. Ergo with dragons, religious figures, aliens, old gods, new ones, political dogmas, economical experiences, scientific myths, etc...
The only eternal inner and hence external battle that can be and really exists in Creation is between the tendency to unify and hence care (good) and the tendency to separate and hence fear/reject (evil). And the litmus test for all the theories or calls for action that you are exposed to is simple and has remained the same for eons in this Matrix: See whether they affect gathering, unification and bring back the notion of the One: the doorway to Being, or whether they tend to divide and enhance SeparATioN: Evil (the Diabolos/divider in ancient Greek) and hence oppose the notion of the One.
Since you are all eating now from the tree of "good and evil," let me suggest to eat more of the fruits of good than from the evil ones. And by eating I mean the encoded meaning of "eating" which means making it become yours, and therefore giving power to one tendency or the other. Why fall prey again to the old destructive repetitive addiction to fear/separation and manifest evil?
This is the trip of man, the challenge of the Creator, and the plan of the One.
Happy thoughts make you fly!
Affiliate Marketing and Adsense Publishing
Advertisements may be in the form of text, such as those found in Google’s AdSense affiliate program; graphics, such as those found in various banners posted online; and streaming media such as music or video, that can give life to an entertainment or adult site. While they take their time to learn and take action on registering a domain name and web host, creating web sites using FrontPage, uploading the files using FTP, they can get started immediately with Affiliate marketing and AdSense Publishing. For more details go to www.ad-tracking-pro.com Contextual advertising the big come-back of PPC came when Google launched AdSense in 2003, the birth of contextual Advertising. You need to make your Adsense unit blend in with your content, so use rectangular boxes. The time you get this far, you are making money from Adsense, writing articles, creating joint ventures etc. If you're building content websites with the aim of earning an AdSense income then you'll know that the ads shown are dependant upon the surrounding content on your WebPages. In a nutshell, Ad Section Targeting allows you to emphasize what keywords Google AdSense will pick up from your site. The goal is to make your Google ad sense ads as different as possible from your website. A number of factors come into play when AdSense tries to determine what the page is about: The URL of the page, the page title, the anchor text of links, and the keywords that appear most frequently within the page, search engine queries that lead to the page or to another page that links to the pageâ€. Ways to make money from Adsense by Distributing articles through Ezine and Press Releases One effective method of increasing adsense revenue is simply increasing the number of targeted visitors that visit your adsense-content page. You will be given 5 new adsense websites per week and taught exactly how to promote them to make money. The main places you can put your Adsense units are the top of your page above your headline, in the body of your content (left or right placed) and at the bottom of your page. Some people think that affiliate marketing is too much work and that splashing some AdSense ads on a page is far easier. For more details go to www.affiliate-manager-pro.com If you follow the above tips, you will know how to build Adsense sites that make you a lot of money. Post product reviews with your affiliate links, banners, Google AdSense and everything else that you would use your website for. The one that springs to mind first of course is Google’s. Try to experiment with the background color, font and text colors to achieve the desired click-through campaign and, hence, maximizing your adsense income. You are now a member of the AdSense Illuminati. The Google Adsense, will display ads relevant to your topics. There used to be a question that goes, "Is building Adsense sites a business. Software that can build hundreds of your adsense sites fast using reprinted articles, After all this has been done, all that's needed is to maintain a stream of content running into the site and put AdSense or affiliate programs on it, and the money should cumulatively start rolling in. Google Adsense has become one of the best ways for small webmasters to earn online, and an entire industry seems to have grown up around it. Try to experiment with the background color, font and text colors to achieve the desired click-through campaign and, hence, maximizing your adsense income.
Adsense - Make Your Google Adsense Ads as Different as Possible From Your Website!
http://www.adsense-dollar-factory.comhttp://www.youradsenseprofits.com The time you get this far, you are making money from Adsense, writing articles, creating joint ventures etc.go to www.adsense-dollar-factory.com you're building content websites with the aim of earning an AdSense income then you'll know that the ads shown are dependant upon the surrounding content on your WebPages. In a nutshell, Ad Section Targeting allows you to emphasize what keywords Google AdSense will pick up from your site. The goal is to make your Google adsense ads as different as possible from your website. You are now a member of the AdSense Illuminati. The Google Adsense, will display ads relevant to your topics. There used to be a question that goes, "Is building Adsense sites a business. Try to experiment with the background color, font and text colors to get the desired click-through campaign and, hence, maximizing your adsense income.A number of factors come into play when AdSense tries to determine what the page is about: The URL of the page, the page title, the anchor text of links, and the keywords that appear most frequently within the page, search engine queries that lead to the page or to another page that links to the page".For more help visit www.instant-adsense-dollars.com. Ways to make money from Adsense by Distributing articles through Ezine and Press Releases One effective method of increasing adsense revenue is simply increasing the number of targeted visitors that visit your adsense-content page. You will be given new adsense websites per week and taught exactly how to promote them to make money. The main places you can put your Adsense units are the top of your page above your headline, in the body of your content and at the bottom of your page. Some people think that affiliate marketing is too much work and that splashing some AdSense ads on a page is far easier. If you follow the above tips, you will know how to build Adsense sites that make you a lot of money. Post product reviews with your affiliate links, banners, Google AdSense and everything else that you would use your website for. The one that springs to mind first of course is Google's Adsense and other similar contextual based advertising being offered by an ever growing army of Google copycats.Firstly, you need software that can build hundreds of your adsense sites fast using reprinted articles. After all this has been done, all that's needed is to maintain a stream of content running into the site and put AdSense or affiliate programs on it, and the money should cumulatively start rolling in. Google Adsense has become one of the best ways for small webmasters to earn online, and an entire industry seems to have grown up around it. Try to experiment with the background color, font and text colors to achieve the desired click-through campaign and, hence, maximizing your adsense income.These advertisements may be in the form of text, such as those found in Google's AdSense affiliate program; graphics, such as those found in various banners posted online; and streaming media, such as music or video, that can give life to an entertainment or adult site. While they take their time to learn and take action on registering a domain name and web host, creating web sites using FrontPage, uploading the files using FTP, they can get started immediately with Affiliate marketing and AdSense Publishing. Contextual advertising the big come-back of PPC came when Google launched AdSense in 2003, the birth of contextual Advertising. You need to make your Adsense unit blend in with your content, so use rectangular boxes.
A Growing Number Of States Rebelling Against The Federal Government.
By Michael Webster: Syndicated Investigative Reporter. Feb 17, 2009 at 3:00 PM PST.  According to guests on the popular late night Coast To Coast radio talk show told several million listeners last night that the Tenth Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights and was ratified on December 15, 1791. It states the Constitution’s principle of Federalism by providing that powers not granted to the national government nor prohibited to the states are reserved to the states and to the people. It is based on an earlier provision of the Articles of Confederation: “Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.†Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi discussed steps many states are taking to preserve sovereignty. Jones provided lots of important information about how President Obama is just a puppet for the illuminati and how America has been sold out to feign banks. The Illuminati has become synonymous with the one world government conspiracy. Jones and Corsi tie the Illuminati into the current recession/depression and claim that the whole thing is engineered by the Illuminati. They even claim that the Mexican drug cartels are also connected to the illuminati but did not go on to explain how. Apparently the Illuminati through the onshore and offshore bankers have the grand plan which started in 1913 when the Federal Reserve Bank first come on to the seen and took control of America\'s money, Congress and ultimately the executive branch of the U.S. Government. Both guests claimed that the U.S. Federal Government is attempting to take over and control the states by having heavy handed strings attached to the Federal money given to the states. The guest state legislators also interviewed on the program said the money in question was the same money that the states send to the feds in the first place, than the feds say if the states don\'t cooperate with what the feds want they withhold that money. That money is the tax payers money and the federal government should not be allowed to do that. That is one reason that the states are fighting back the state representatives said. Host George Noory of the Coast to Coast program directed stunned listeners to the Coast to Coast web site where he said there are links to Mr. Jones resource page. According to Jones he has documents that prove his contentions and says you will find links to the various bills and proposed bills by the states, articles covering this important topic, and related videos. See below links. Later on during the time listeners call in, many seemed to agree that the Illuminati is the root cause of the financial ruin of our nation, others pointed out that the guests where just alarmist. Callers also wanted to know what they could do and how they could fight and try to help save America short of armed rebellion? Jones indicated \"it is a matter of education and that Americans need to research this important matter for themselves and find out what is really going on.\" Just what Americans can do to stop this was not clear. Short of a full out revolution there may not be much else Americans can do.  Editors Note: Michael Webster’s Syndicated Investigative Reports are read worldwide, in 100 or more U.S. outlets and in at least 136 countries and territories. He publishes articles in association with global news agencies and media information services with more than 350 news affiliates in 136 countries. Many of Mr. Webster’s articles are printed in six working languages: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish. With ten more languages planed in the near future. Mr. Webster is America\'s leading authority on Venture Capital/Equity Funding. He served as a trustee on some of the nation’s largest trade Union funds. A noted Author, Lecturer, Educator, Emergency Manager, Counter-Terrorist, War on Drugs and War on Terrorist Specialist, Business Consultant, Newspaper Publisher. Radio News caster. Labor Law generalist, Teamster Union Business Agent, General Organizer, Union Rank and File Member Grievances Representative, NLRB Union Representative, Union Contract Negotiator, Workers Compensation Appeals Board Hearing Representative. Mr. Webster represented management on that side of the table as the former Director of Federated of Nevada. Mr. Webster publishes on-line newspaper at www.usborderfirereport.com  and does investigative reports for print, electronic and on-line News Agencies. Â
AMERICA FIXED ELECTION Why has America so self righteously condemned Iran's oppressive political regime and its fraudulent re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmandinejad? Has America already forgotten its own fraudulent election of George W. Bush in 2004? The Bush White House made no secret of its scorn for the American Constitution and Bill of Rights, its hostility towards international law, its contemptuous dismissal of the decent opinion of humankind at home and abroad and its diabolical contempt for truth. IRAN'S FIXED ELECTION Why do all Iranian reformist candidates who oppose the repressive extremes of hard-line Islam, always lose? The answer is simple. Iran's leaders, like America's leaders, are empowered by the central banking cartel. This shadow government of "banksters" sponsors leaders of nations into power positions. It has verifiably financed both sides of every war and revolution including the two world wars, the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and the never ending War OF Terror. It's objective is to steer the world towards the fulfillment of a New World Order (one world government) agenda. In the 2005 and 2009 Iranian elections, a "bankster funded" network of mosques, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and Basij militia forces generated support for Ahmadinejad in both election frauds. Illuminati defector Leo Zagami called Ahmadinejad a "well known Satanist with no real connection to Islam" and the Iraq-Iran-Israel conflict a "foreign intelligence show." AXIS OF EVIL Osama Bin Laden, North Vietnam’s Kim Jong Il and Iran's President Amadinejad are “necessary evil†players on the world stage. The demonized  trio are cast by the bankster owned media as villains who threaten world peace and stability. Under the direction of the ruling bankster families (who are the real threats to world peace), we are witnessing “staged†political events, “staged†elections and “staged†political performances. Corporate news reports of Iran and North Korea’s nuclear ambitions are only a pretext. The real objective is to fear monger and dangle the threat nuclear war so that citizens will forfeit their political, economic and spiritual rights to stop it. Ultimately, when the nuclear threat is unleashed, the survivors will bow down to a "world government†according to plan. ASSES OF EVIL In 1871, Albert Pike, the Grand Commander of US Freemasonry, wrote a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, his European counterpart, foretelling of three world wars. He was correct about the first and second world war.. The Third World War, said Pike, will be fomented by the agents of the Illuminati and will be conducted in such a way that Islam and Israel will mutually destroy one another. Out of the ashes, an Illuminati world leader will emerge.  Pike made his prediction long before the state of Israel was reborn from the orchestrated events of the second world  war. The important thing to understand is that the shadow government of ruling Bankster families and European royalty own the corporate media and financial institutions. They are pulling the strings of the political process and waging a covert war against humanity. The “duped†population fail to recognize that their real enemies are their puppet elected leaders who are sponsored into power by the ruling crime families. David Icke wrote that "The propaganda war against Iran really picked up after the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as President of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2005… he was soon making speeches that only the American propagandists and spinners could dream up. He defeated the one-time favourite, the former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani whose reputation and record would have made it almost impossible to demonize Iran as a threat to America or anyone else." Finally Icke says: "British and American military intelligence ousted Prime Minister Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953 in a CIA-planned coup called Operation Ajax; imposed the vicious Shah of Iran as a dictator; and then removed him for the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. Why would the same forces not continue to be involved in election manipulation in Iran when they so badly needed Ahmadinejad to defeat Rafsanjani for their 'Axis of Evil' plan to work?" If the Illuminati banksters  are so powerful,  why don't they just proclaim their world dictatorship now? Because they need the public’s cooperation, labour and money. For their New World Order to work,  humanity must be gradually transformed so it sees slavery as freedom and embraces one world government and one world leader. “War†is the Illuminati's cement mixer to "create order out of chaos" - but first they must create chaos.