[ParanoidTimes] Ban Ki-moon: It's Time to Confront the Israeli Gangsters and Hoodlums
Cut The Crab.... RESULTS PLEASE...
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[ParanoidTimes] American Heroes show -- Updated Casting Call
Hi everyone,
For those of following the threads on various groups on this new show for American Heroes Channel, here is an updated casting call.
First off, anyone interested in being on this 6-episode series about end-of-the-world scenarios should get in touch with me, this show will be a fantastic forum to share your beliefs.
Second, there's a lot of understandable concern out there about this show setting out to make fun of preppers and survivalists. I've spoken at length with my producer about these concerns, and she has issued some statements which I reprint below.
The show will be 6 episodes, airing on American Heroes Channel, formerly The Military Channel. The topics of each one-hour episode will be Nuclear Attacks, Biblical Armageddon, Pandemics, Nostradamus, Alien Invasion, and Planet X. What are these beliefs, and how will we combat the disasters if they happen?
The basic format of each one-hour episode is to present three main points of view on each topic.
First, we want to talk to former believers who believed something was going to happen in the past, then changed their belief when the expected event did not happen, a true skeptic whose life experience has shaped their belief.
The second point of view, the main point of view, is the person who is convinced right now that we have to move fast, get out of the cities, whatever it is, and get ready for the shit to hit the fan. A person who is basing their life and future actions upon this expectation. In other words, a true believer.
The third point of view is from scientists and engineers who have trained viewpoints in these scenarios. Many of them are true believers, some are skeptics.
If you fit any one of the categories above, and might want to appear on the show and give your viewpoint, I want to hear from you.
This is a show which will explore opposing views in a thoughtful and compelling way, and above all, in a respectful way. There will be no ridicule of anyone on this show, it is intended as a thoughtful exploration.
Here is my producer to explain further:
"We want to hear from people who are genuinely afraid and fear for their families. Real people who really think this is going to happen, and they're preparing for it, and who are also interested in sharing their belief. Number one is they are a believer. In their soul they're preparing for it because they think it's coming.
"This is also totally about spreading the word. It's not about 'look how cool my bunker is', it's about people who want to help others understand their belief, why they believe, why they have uprooted their lives. This is an opportunity to get their message out, and hopefully convince others that their belief is true. We want to understand why they believe so deeply. It's really about why they believe this is happening, an opportunity to explain to the audience where their belief comes from.
"We are providing context, and there will be people who are skeptical. There are two sides to every story and we're looking at the complete picture. We're looking at people who are bringing the historical aspect as well as the scientific aspect. People 20 years ago expected it and it didn't happen, so why do you think it's going to happen now?
"We're going to have scientists, some of whom will and won't agree. But these days many more do, the doomsday clock is ticking ever closer, and there's North Korea and suitcase bombs. More and more experts feel this will happen. It felt like the world backed away from that reality a few decades ago, and now it feels a little closer.
"I understand the fear of being ridiculed. Nobody likes that. To be absolutely clear, we're going to have people on the show who do not agree. You believe this? We want to know why. Some people won't believe. We want to meet with people who thirty years ago felt just as strongly as you did, and to compare the way they believed to the way you currently feel. It's television. We cannot look at this without looking at both sides of it.
"But this is absolutely not a show to ridicule believers. We're not holding any of these up in any kind of ridiculous light. We want to hear what the real concerns are, how this belief has effected their life. And we want to give them a chance to get the word out, and to present both sides for the audience.
"And please keep in mind, there is no way in hell that American Heroes Channel is going to ridicule these beliefs. They are very sensitive to that. This is a considered, earnest, serious look at those things. Our intention is to do a serious documentary look at these beliefs. The fact that these sorts of visions keep recurring."
I've also been assured by show's director that to a certain extent we can make things anonymous, use a false name, avoid any mention of locations, etc. If you're the right person for the show, but you want some anonymity, we will try and make it work.
But we are looking for someone who wants to share what they know, so please keep that in mind. How this belief affects your life, what you're doing about it, is what we want to see.
I look forward to hearing from you with any and all questions!
Tom Bauer
thomasbauer AT sympatico DOT ca
Tel: 514-489-5499
Fax: 514-907-6154
Posted by: thomasbauer@sympatico.ca
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