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[ParanoidTimes] Palantir Has Secretly Been Using New Orleans to Test Its Predictive Policing Technology

Palantir Has Secretly Been Using New Orleans to Test Its Predictive Policing Technology
February 28th, 2018

Via: The Verge:

The program began in 2012 as a partnership between New Orleans Police and Palantir Technologies, a data-mining firm founded with seed money from the CIA's venture capital firm. According to interviews and documents obtained by The Verge, the initiative was essentially a predictive policing program, similar to the "heat list" in Chicago that purports to predict which people are likely drivers or victims of violence.

The partnership has been extended three times, with the third extension scheduled to expire on February 21st, 2018. The city of New Orleans and Palantir have not responded to questions about the program's current status.

Predictive policing technology has proven highly controversial wherever it is implemented, but in New Orleans, the program escaped public notice, partly because Palantir established it as a philanthropic relationship with the city through Mayor Mitch Landrieu's signature NOLA For Life program. Thanks to its philanthropic status, as well as New Orleans' "strong mayor" model of government, the agreement never passed through a public procurement process.

In fact, key city council members and attorneys contacted by The Verge had no idea that the city had any sort of relationship with Palantir, nor were they aware that Palantir used its program in New Orleans to market its services to another law enforcement agency for a multimillion-dollar contract.

Even James Carville, the political operative instrumental in bringing about Palantir's collaboration with NOPD, said that the program was not public knowledge. "No one in New Orleans even knows about this, to my knowledge," Carville said.


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[ParanoidTimes] School Shootings & Psychiatric Drugs— "Drug company interests trump the truth " ?

"Drug company interests trump the truth "
--School Shootings & Psychiatric Drugs—Constitutional Attorney Jonathan Emord


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[ParanoidTimes] Rosenstein and Mueller Running for Cover Leaving Brennan Exposed

Rosenstein and Mueller Running for Cover Leaving Brennan Exposed
Paul Craig Roberts, Feb 17, 2018

Now the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein confirms what I told you in my previous post. Mueller found no evidence that Russia had any impact on the outcome of the 2016 election.

So what was Russiagate all about?

It was exactly, precisely what I told you it was about from the very begining. It was a conspiracy orchestrated by the military/security complex, CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committed against Donald Trump.

Trump's emphasis during his presidential campaign on normalizing relations with Russia, which the neocon Obama regime had turned into "America's most dangerous enemy," was a threat to the power and budgets of the military/security complex. Without a demonized enemy, what is the justification for a 1,000 billion annual budget and the laws passed in the 21st century that completely destroy the protections provided by the US Constitution?

From the Clinton/DNC standpoint, a Trump victory would halt the vast riches pouring into the Clinton/DNC pockets from "pay to play." The Clinton Foundation and the Clintons themselves were on their way to both being billionaires with the DNC collecting the registration fees. This was a model for one party rule. And along comes Donald Trump.

I doubt Trump knew what he was stepping into. So far he has been unable to function as President. But now that the FISA court has on record Rosenstein and Comey's confessions that the spy warrants requested by the FBI to spy on Trump are based on deception of the court, the conspirators against Trump face indictment, conviction, and prison, if Trump has the balls, which he might not have. We cannot even be sure Trump understands the situation.

What perhaps has surely happened is that former CIA director John Brennan is now exposed by the total failue of Mueller to find a Trump/Putin conspiracy against American democracy. Rosenstein's statement that "there is no allegation in [Mueller's] indictment that any American was a knowing particiipant in this illegal activity [illegal activity is an unsubstantiated assertion only]. There is no allegation in the indictment that the [Russians'] conduct altered the outcome of the election."

Brennan as CIA director had lied under oath to Congress to the contrary.

Rosenstein and Comey are trapped in their confessions to the FISA court that the FBI obtained spy warrants from the court via deception of the court.

What we must ask ourselves is how it is possible in the Great American Democracy that people totally devoid of all integrity, all honesty, all respect for truth can be confirmed by the US Senate as heads of the CIA, FBI, and National Intelligence?

How is it possible that these utterly corrupt people can go before the House and Senate continuously and tell lies under oath and never be held accountable?

How is it possible that American Democracy is so utterly weak that nothing whatsoever can be done about it?

What kind of America is it when it is ruled by blatant transparant lies?

In what sense do The People exist?


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[ParanoidTimes] [TomTV] Casting for new show on bunker tech

Hi everyone,

There's a great new show out there I'm casting for.

Can you take a look over the casting call below and let me know your thoughts?

And of course, please feel free to share this around!

Thank you!

Thomas Bauer


CMJ Productions II

Tel: 514-489-5499

Fax: 514-907-6154

[Casting New Show: BADASS BUNKERS!]

Hi everyone,

Tom Bauer here with a chance for all you bunker builders to get in on a new ongoing half-hour show, along the lines of pimp-your-ride, called BADASS BUNKERS!

Did you know since November 2016 the sale of pre-fab shelters has jump 400%?

Whether it's the threat of nukes from North Korea, civil unrest at home, or escalating natural disasters around the globe, people of all stripes are prepping for worst-case scenarios. The problem is that building a bunker is not quite as simple as throwing together a little add-on to the garage, right?

A worthy bunker is focused on basic utility, supplies, and safety. It needs to shield you from outside threats and sustain you for an extended period of time. That means it's complicated. So how many new DIY bunker builders could use a little help?

That's where BADASS BUNKERS comes in!

Badass Bunkers is a one of a kind documentary-series that takes viewers around the globe, and underground, to meet the folks who are building bunkers now. 

Here's how it works:

Every episode will showcase a bunker project underway, along with a genuine design challenge that needs to be solved. Need help deciding where to build and how to dig? Got a ventilation challenge? Not sure how and where to hook up a freshwater supply? How about making sure your shelter remains dry in heavy rain? What about hiding and securing your entrance? And what's the best way to grow food in this situation?

Guided by an expert engineer with a military background the series tackles one problematic bunker per half-hour episode. First we'll meet our guest family and learn about their unique goals, fears, challenges, needs, and lifestyle. Then we'll take a tour of what they have already put in place before tackling their shelter's urgent problem. Do they need wheelchair accessibility? Got pets to accommodate? Are they prepping for floods, expecting an earthquake, or anticipating nuclear fallout?

Everyone is different and requires a one-of-a-kind bunker, and our expert will work diligently to come up with a custom solution to suit every need. This might mean a quick stop at the hardware shop for some extra battery power, or using a backhoe to dig deeper for more safety, or creating a functional chemical toilet that'll last weeks, if not months.

Our expert will walk everyone through the steps of each fix, so viewers get valuable takeaway for their own bunker project. No two families are the same and so no two bunkers are the same.


This is a time-sensitive casting call.

We need to hear from you in the next few days, between:

Thursday Feb 15 and Mon Feb 19

[Reading this after the above dates? Go ahead and please contact me anyway, but keep in mind we might have reached a cut-off by then. It's okay, we'll include you in the follow-up!]


Phone or message me, Tom Bauer

through facebook

email [ ]

or: 514 489 5499


We are looking for couples or families who are in some stage of the planning.

Please know that your locations and anything else you need to be kept secret will be respected 100%. For those of you who remember me from the last time I reached out, you will know we respect all points of view, and we present everyone's view fairly and honestly. To see what I mean, check out How The World Ends on Netflix!

[Note: we are not interviewing for experts right now, but if you feel you would fit as an expert for the show, please submit a brief explanation why and I will keep you on file.]


This is preliminary information gathering, so for now I will need only:

A little bit about you and your family, why you have a bunker, how long you've had it, what your view of it's viability might be, where you want it to be, and any specific challenges you might be encountering, such as pets to accommodate, the need to grow fresh food, help with filtration, etc.

All this can be told to me over the phone or via skype, shouldn't take longer than twenty minutes. This qucik preliminary phone interview can happen any day of the week and all weekend, as late as you want. Even better, if you are comfortable with a skype, that would be great [providing I can get the new version figured out!].

Folks, I can't wait to hear from you! I loved talking with everyone the last time I came around, and this time is even more fun. It's all about the science, technology, and logistics of building a bunker. Since more people than ever are into shelter building, this is a chance to put out something helpful and informative about the subject.

I look forward to hearing from you!


Tom Bauer


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[ParanoidTimes] U.S. Army Now Holding Drills With Ground Robots That Shoot

"It's the first time that the Army has conducted an exercise with a ground robot providing fire. It won't be the last. Army leaders have asked for more exercises with bigger guns, said Rogers.  'We're figuring out the details of what leadership expects and what we can deliver.'"

U.S. Army Now Holding Drills With Ground Robots That Shoot

February 9th, 2018

Via: DefenseOne:

In a historic first, the Army conducted a live fire exercise with a remote-controlled ground combat vehicle armed with a .50-caliber machine gun. It plans to conduct more exercises with more heavily armed ground robots within the next couple of years.

The demonstration was part of the annual Northern Strike exercise, which took place last July and August at Michigan's Camp Grayling. Primarily geared toward reserve units, this year's event debuted an unmanned, heavily armed M113 armored personnel carrier. The driver and the weapons operator followed behind in a slightly larger M577 command post vehicle.


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[ParanoidTimes] Interview with Michael Heise, founder of the LP Mises Caucus, 2/3/18, Parts 1 and 2

Check out my recent interview with Michael Heise,  founder of the LP Mises Caucus.  Michael is only 28 years old,  but he has been a liberty activist for 14 years.  

Be sure and watch both parts.

Part 1:

Part 2:


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[ParanoidTimes] Press Prostitutes Lie Through Their Teeth About House Intelligence Committee Report

Press Prostitutes Lie Through Their Teeth About House Intelligence Committee Report
Paul Craig Roberts,  Feb 2, 2018

The House Intelligence Committee's report on the FBI/DOJ deception of the FISA court has now been released. I have read the so-called "Nunes Memo." As far as I can tell, the report from the House Intelligence Committee says exactly what the previously released Memorandum Opinion and Order from the FISA court itself says. I posted the court document — — and explanations of it — — and — .

The FISA court document, declassified and released, contains confessions from both the FBI and DOJ that the agencies misled the court and falsely acquired surveillance permission. The FBI and DOJ mischaracterize their deception of the court as "mistakes." The agencies provide the court with improvements in their procedures so as not to make "mistakes" in the future.

Why did the FBI and DOJ rush to confess to the FISA court? The reason is that NSA Director Adm. Rodgers discovered their illicit spying, investigated it, and let it be known that he was reporting the FBI and DOJ malfeasence to the FISA court. Adm. Rodgers also informed President Trump.

All of this is known. Yet the House Intelligence Committee and the White House released the "Nunes Memo" without pointing out that it was already confirmed by the FISA court itself and by NSA Director Adm. Rogers. Why?

One consequence of this continuing Republican incompetence is that it allows the presstitutes, who also know about the FISA court memorandum, to ignore that confessions validating the "Nunes Memo" are in the hands of the FISA court. Consequently, the presstitutes, such as the CNN whores, are at their dirty dishonest work of misrepresenting the documented facts in the House Intelligence Committee report as "Nunes' allegations," "Nunes' assertions," "a disputed GOP intelligence memo that alleges FBI abuses," and so forth. See, for example,

We know that there is not an ounce of integrity in the presstitute media and no respect whatsoever for truth. The press prostitutes are a lie factory. Nothing else can be said for them. CNN presstitutes Pamela Brown and Jim Sciutto misrepresent documented findings of the House Intelligence Committee, findings backed up by the released FISA court document, as a "highly controversial memo" that "is the most explicit Republican effort yet to discredit the FBI's investigation into Trump and Russia, alleging that the investigation was infused with an anti-Trump bias under the Obama administration and supported with political opposition research."

Are Pamela Brown and Jim Sciutto so utterly incompetent that they are unaware that endless emails reveal the anti-Trump bias and that the Steele dossier was paid political opposition research? How can anyone pretending to be a reporter pretend not to know the available documented undisputed facts?

The FBI, that is, the criminal organization that should be indicted for conspiracy against the United States, alleges falsely that "the memo omits key information that could impact its veracity." It does not. You can find the same information in the FISA court document. Moreover, Adm. Rogers can be put on the stand, and he can confirm that the FBI and DOJ misled the FISA court to obtain permission to spy for partisan political reasons.

Why the Republicans, armed with enough information to smash the FBI, Obama DOJ, DNC, and presstitute conspiracy, can't put their act together is a mystery.

Compare the words of US attorney Joe DiGenova with those of the CNN presstitutes:


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[ParanoidTimes] Bombshell: FISA memo released... largest political scandal in history unfolding now

From: "spook



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[ParanoidTimes] Nunes Memo Reports Crimes at Top of FBI and DOJ

Nunes Memo Reports Crimes at Top of FBI and DOJ
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The long-awaited House Intelligence Committee report made public today identifies current and former top officials of the FBI and the Department of Justice as guilty of the felony of misrepresenting evidence required to obtain a court warrant before surveilling American citizens. The target was candidate Donald Trump's adviser Carter Page.

The main points of what is widely known as the "Nunes Memo," after the House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), have been nicely summarized by blogger Publius Tacitus, who noted that the following very senior officials are now liable for contempt-of-court charges; namely, the current and former members of the FBI and the Department of Justice who signed off on fraudulent applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court: James Comey, Andy McCabe, Sally Yates, Dana Boente and Rob Rosenstein. The following is Publius Tacitus's summary of the main points:
  • The dubious but celebrated Steele Dossier played a critical role in obtaining approval from the FISA court to carry out surveillance of Carter Page according to former FBI Deputy Director Andy McCabe.
  • Christopher Steele was getting paid by the DNC and the FBI for the same information.
  • No one at the FBI or the DOJ disclosed to the court that the Steele dossier was paid for by an opposition political campaign.
  • The first FISA warrant was obtained on October 21, 2016 based on a story written by Michael Isikoff for Yahoo News based on information he received directly from Christopher Steele – the FBI did not disclose in the FISA application that Steele was the original source of the information.
  • Christopher Steele was a long-standing FBI "source" but was terminated as a source after telling Mother Jones reporter David Corn that he had a relationship with the FBI.
  • The FBI signers of the FISA applications/renewals were James Comey (three times) and Andrew McCabe.
  • The DOJ signers of the FISA applications/renewals were Sally Yates, Dana Boente and Rod Rosenstein.
  • Even after Steele was terminated by the FBI, he remained in contact with Deputy Attorney General Bruce Our, whose wife worked for FUSION GPS, a contractor that was deeply involved with the Steele dossier.
From what Michael Isikoff reported in September 2016 it appears that the CIA and the Director of National Intelligence (as well as the FBI) are implicated in spreading the disinformation about Trump and Russia. Isikoff wrote:

"U.S. intelligence officials are seeking to determine whether an American businessman identified by Donald Trump as one of his foreign policy advisers has opened up private communications with senior Russian officials – including talks about the possible lifting of economic sanctions if the Republican nominee becomes president, according to multiple sources who have been briefed on the issue. […]

"But US officials have since received intelligence reports that during that same three-day trip, Page met with Igor Sechin, a longtime Putin associate and former Russian deputy prime minister who is now the executive chairman of Rosneft, Russian's leading oil company, a well-placed Western intelligence source tells Yahoo News."

Who were the "intelligence officials" briefing the select members of the House and Senate? That will be one of the next shoes to drop. We are likely to learn in the coming days that John Brennan and Jim Clapper were also trying to help the FBI build a fallacious case against Trump, adds Tacitus.

Indeed, Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR), Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, has already indicated that his disclosures in the Nunes Memo represent just "one piece of a probably much larger mosaic of what went on."

The Media Will Determine What Comes Next

As for Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, it is now abundantly clear why he went to ridiculous lengths, as did the entire Democratic congressional leadership, to block or impugn the House Intelligence Committee report.

Until the mid-December revelations of the text messages between FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page turned Russia-gate into FBI/DOJ-gate, Schiff had been riding high, often hiding behind what he said "he could not tell" the rest of us.

With the media, including what used to be the progressive media, fully supporting the likes of Adam Schiff, and the FBI/CIA/NSA deep state likely to pull out all the stops, the die is now cast. We are in for a highly interesting time over the next months.


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[ParanoidTimes] Here's the Nunes Memo On the FBI and Russia Investigation ... Read It For Yourself

Here's the Nunes Memo On the FBI and Russia Investigation
... Read It For Yourself


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[ParanoidTimes] Lying, Spying, and Hiding

Lying, Spying, and Hiding

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I have argued for a few weeks now that House Intelligence Committee members have committed misconduct in office by concealing evidence of spying abuses by the National Security Agency and the FBI. They did this by sitting on a four-page memo that summarizes the abuse of raw intelligence data while Congress was debating a massive expansion of FISA.

FISA is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, which was written to enable the federal government to spy on foreign agents here and abroad. Using absurd and paranoid logic, the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which only hears the government's lawyers, has morphed "foreign intelligence surveillance" into undifferentiated bulk surveillance of all Americans.

Undifferentiated bulk surveillance is the governmental acquisition of fiber-optic data stored and transmitted by nearly everyone in America. This includes all telephone conversations, text messages and emails, as well as all medical, legal and financial records.

Ignorant of the hot potato on which the House Intelligence Committee had been sitting, Congress recently passed and President Donald Trump signed a vast expansion of spying authorities – an expansion that authorizes legislatively the domestic spying that judges were authorizing on everyone in the U.S. without individual suspicion of wrongdoing or probable cause of crime; an expansion that passed in the Senate with no votes to spare; an expansion that evades and avoids the Fourth Amendment; an expansion that the president signed into law the day before we all learned of the House Intelligence Committee memo.

The FISA expansion would never have passed the Senate had the House Intelligence Committee memo and the data on which it is based come to light seven days sooner than it did. Why should 22 members of a House committee keep their 500-plus congressional colleagues in the dark about domestic spying abuses while those colleagues were debating the very subject matter of domestic spying and voting to expand the power of those who have abused it?

The answer to this lies in the nature of the intelligence community today and the influence it has on elected officials in the government. By the judicious, personalized and secret revelation of data, both good and bad – here is what we know about your enemies, and here is what we know about you – the NSA shows its might to the legislators who supposedly regulate it. In reality, the NSA regulates them.

This is but one facet of the deep state – the unseen parts of the government that are not authorized by the Constitution and that never change, no matter which party controls the legislative or executive branch...



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