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Re: [ParanoidTimes] The Gazafication of America

Here in Utah the police never investigate.  They make predetermined decisions of who is guilty and who is not.   This comes from the LDS Idaho ERA Case where the LDS judge, Callister, made a list of predetermined winners and losers.  Winners motions were granted the same day filed.  Predetermined losers never had their day in court, were faced with witnesses against, allowed to object, submit evidence in their favor.....cruel and unusual punishment is all that is allowed.

I keep telling you these lost rights and freedoms began with the Mormons.  Callister presided about  1982.  How has police violence escalated since the federal judge implemented the Mormon founder's bill of no rights demonstrated in Idaho v. Freeman?

Dateline aired this same bill of rights in "Murder of a Utah businessman."  The police framed Chris Wright by putting a bullet from the scene in his gun case and claiming it was always there and only found after the 2nd search.  We did nothing to stop it.  That law traveled from Utah to every state in this union.  Fate is forced to obey Mormon constitutional law because it apparently is what we want.  No one has listened to me for 35 years.  It started with women in Utah then moved to men.  What is good enough for the goose is good enough for the gander.  Hitler did the same.  Citizens allowed him to murder those who were physically unable to enjoy life.  Hitler moved quickly to mass murder. 

I am sure we are on the same path.  If we want to make changes, they will first be made here in Utah.  I do not see how it will be Utahans who make those changes.  They like moral gods, Caesars  and Pharaohs.  I have given up and just survive.  I have turned to the Bible and wait for Elijah.  

Founder Smith used to move into a town, receive a revelation God told him the townsmen were to deed over their lands, buildings, cattle, machinery, grain stores and women to be used for religious prostitution, where he and he alone decided how the goods were to be used.  Smith attached Missouri and lost this battle.  He was convicted of treason and escaped execution with extorition on the military.  He was slaughtered after he wrote his government and constitution. I have never found this constitution but can tell what is in it from Mormon justice and lawless practices.  I am stunned at how fast they set up a gang unified in accomplishing their justice.  Read of Mormon hatred for all who refused to abandon the us constitution in l833....  My grandfather took a religious oath to destroy America. 

On Saturday, November 29, 2014 8:47 PM, "'Kick.The.NWO' [ParanoidTimes]" <> wrote:

Ferguson Reexamined
Paul Craig Roberts
November 28, 2014

Few, if any, of the correct questions were asked in the grand jury hearing to decide whether policeman Darren Wilson would be indicted for killing Michael Brown.

The most important unexamined question is whether police are trained to use force immediately as a first resort before they assess a situation or determine if they are at the correct address. Are the police trained that the lives of police officers are so much more valuable than the lives of possible suspects, or a houseful of people into whose residence a heavily armed SWAT team enters, that police officers must not accept the risk of judicious behavior when encountering citizens? If this is the case as all evidence indicates that it is, then the police when they gratuitously murder members of the public are merely doing what they have been trained to do. As police are trained to use violence as a first resort, the police cannot be held accountable when they do.

There are a large number of videos available online that show that the first thing that police do when they arrive is to use force.

No sooner is Michael Brown in the grave than Cleveland cops kill a 12-year old boy who has a toy gun that shoots plastic pellets. The child is threatening no one–indeed there is no one else present. The boy seems to be playing a fantasy game in his head. A busy body calls the police. The police arrive and instantly shoot the kid down.

Here is a selection of videos and reports. Some of the videos are compressed to save the viewer time. They range from 59 seconds to the full 7:51 minute video, which shows the kid is just walking up and down the sidewalk. All the action comes at the end. The police arrive and instantly open fire, making no effort whatsoever to assess the situation.

Just a few days before Michael Brown is killed, Ohio police murdered John Crawford inside a Walmart store. What had Crawford done? He had picked up a BB rifle from a Walmart shelf and was on the phone with the mother of his two children, perhaps checking with her whether he could purchase it for the kids. A busy body named Ronald Ritchie felt threatened and called the police. The police rush in and shoot Crawford. The police claim that they ordered Crawford to drop the rifle, but the video shows the police shooting Crawford on sight. The busy body Ritchie actually caused two deaths, as the incident of Crawford's murder caused Angela Williams to die from a heart attack as she fled the store in response to the police gunfire.

Yes, you guessed it. The grand jury decided the police were justified.

Here is another video that demonstrates that policemen shoot instantly without cause.
This is a rare case in which the policeman was held accountable, most likely because the video prevented authorities from fabricating the usual story of police justification.

In this video, police shoot down an unarmed black man in the street. After shooting Kajieme Powell ten times, the cops hold guns on the dead body while they handcuff a dead man. Like an almost endless number of other such videos, this one shows that either psychopaths are recruited for the police force, or police training turns cops into psychopaths.

These two reports examine Officer Darren Wilson's story of why he shot Michael Brown and conclude that Wilson's story doesn't make sense.

Most likely, Michael Brown was just another victim of the gratuitous violence that police are trained to use. Darren Wilson's use of deadly force was in keeping with his training.

The problem with the grand jury and prosecutor in Ferguson and everywhere else is that the real problem–the training of police to use deadly force as a first resort–was not identified as the cause of Michael Brown's death.

The Ferguson grand jury's decision is not an exoneration of Wilson's use of deadly force. Anyone familiar with the American criminal justice (sic) system knows that any prosecutor can get or prevent an indictment from a grand jury. Prosecutors are allowed to determine what evidence is presented. Prosecutors are permitted to bribe witnesses with money or dropped charges, and they can coerce false witness testimony by threatening a witness with charges. Seldom does an indictment or refusal to indict turn on the true facts.

The US justice system is no longer concerned with justice, but with the careers of prosecutors, punishing the powerless, and protecting the powerful. As justice has largely departed the justice system, it is hardly surprising that police lack any concept of justice.

Note: Here is a video of the goon thugs in Albuquerque shooting a white man. Notice how the handful of cops pretend the man who is shot to pieces is still dangerous.


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[ParanoidTimes] The Gazafication of America

Ferguson Reexamined
Paul Craig Roberts
November 28, 2014

Few, if any, of the correct questions were asked in the grand jury hearing to decide whether policeman Darren Wilson would be indicted for killing Michael Brown.

The most important unexamined question is whether police are trained to use force immediately as a first resort before they assess a situation or determine if they are at the correct address. Are the police trained that the lives of police officers are so much more valuable than the lives of possible suspects, or a houseful of people into whose residence a heavily armed SWAT team enters, that police officers must not accept the risk of judicious behavior when encountering citizens? If this is the case as all evidence indicates that it is, then the police when they gratuitously murder members of the public are merely doing what they have been trained to do. As police are trained to use violence as a first resort, the police cannot be held accountable when they do.

There are a large number of videos available online that show that the first thing that police do when they arrive is to use force.

No sooner is Michael Brown in the grave than Cleveland cops kill a 12-year old boy who has a toy gun that shoots plastic pellets. The child is threatening no one–indeed there is no one else present. The boy seems to be playing a fantasy game in his head. A busy body calls the police. The police arrive and instantly shoot the kid down.

Here is a selection of videos and reports. Some of the videos are compressed to save the viewer time. They range from 59 seconds to the full 7:51 minute video, which shows the kid is just walking up and down the sidewalk. All the action comes at the end. The police arrive and instantly open fire, making no effort whatsoever to assess the situation.

Just a few days before Michael Brown is killed, Ohio police murdered John Crawford inside a Walmart store. What had Crawford done? He had picked up a BB rifle from a Walmart shelf and was on the phone with the mother of his two children, perhaps checking with her whether he could purchase it for the kids. A busy body named Ronald Ritchie felt threatened and called the police. The police rush in and shoot Crawford. The police claim that they ordered Crawford to drop the rifle, but the video shows the police shooting Crawford on sight. The busy body Ritchie actually caused two deaths, as the incident of Crawford's murder caused Angela Williams to die from a heart attack as she fled the store in response to the police gunfire.

Yes, you guessed it. The grand jury decided the police were justified.

Here is another video that demonstrates that policemen shoot instantly without cause.
This is a rare case in which the policeman was held accountable, most likely because the video prevented authorities from fabricating the usual story of police justification.

In this video, police shoot down an unarmed black man in the street. After shooting Kajieme Powell ten times, the cops hold guns on the dead body while they handcuff a dead man. Like an almost endless number of other such videos, this one shows that either psychopaths are recruited for the police force, or police training turns cops into psychopaths.

These two reports examine Officer Darren Wilson's story of why he shot Michael Brown and conclude that Wilson's story doesn't make sense.

Most likely, Michael Brown was just another victim of the gratuitous violence that police are trained to use. Darren Wilson's use of deadly force was in keeping with his training.

The problem with the grand jury and prosecutor in Ferguson and everywhere else is that the real problem–the training of police to use deadly force as a first resort–was not identified as the cause of Michael Brown's death.

The Ferguson grand jury's decision is not an exoneration of Wilson's use of deadly force. Anyone familiar with the American criminal justice (sic) system knows that any prosecutor can get or prevent an indictment from a grand jury. Prosecutors are allowed to determine what evidence is presented. Prosecutors are permitted to bribe witnesses with money or dropped charges, and they can coerce false witness testimony by threatening a witness with charges. Seldom does an indictment or refusal to indict turn on the true facts.

The US justice system is no longer concerned with justice, but with the careers of prosecutors, punishing the powerless, and protecting the powerful. As justice has largely departed the justice system, it is hardly surprising that police lack any concept of justice.

Note: Here is a video of the goon thugs in Albuquerque shooting a white man. Notice how the handful of cops pretend the man who is shot to pieces is still dangerous.


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[ParanoidTimes] Chaos by design - 'No End in Sight' video - Iraq's Descent Into Chaos

"A Cool-Headed Devastating Expose' "

"Enraging, Apocalyptic, Masterful"

No End in Sight  ||  Iraq's Descent Into Chaos

No End in Sight (2007) Poster

Chaos by design? Who created the Iraqi insurgency?

Why Iraqis May See ISIL as Lesser Evil Compared To U.S.-Backed Death Squads
Chaos By Design - Chaos as control-tool
Myth, Narrative, Manipulation and Mass Murder

Exposed/Video: Joe Biden Admits Our Allies Made ISIS;

The Terror-War System || Chaos By Design
Overcoming Addiction to Voting for the "Lesser" of 2 Evils



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[ParanoidTimes] What Americans Celebrate On Thanksgiving Day

What Americans Celebrate On Thanksgiving Day
Paul Craig Roberts
November 25, 2014

When Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, they don't know what they are celebrating.

In American folklore, Thanksgiving is a holiday that originated in 1621 with the Pilgrims celebrating a good harvest. Some historians say that this event is poorly documented, and others believe that the Thanksgiving tradition travelled to the New World with the Pilgrims and Puritans who brought with them the English Days of Thanksgiving. Other historians think the Pilgrims associated their relief from hunger with their observance of the relief of the siege of Leiden.

The Pilgrims' Thanksgiving, if it happened, might not have been the first in the New World. Historians say the Virginia colonial charter declared a Day of Thanksgiving in 1619, and other historians say the first Thanksgiving was observed by the Spanish in Florida in 1565.

Apparently, the different English colonies and later American states each had their own day of Thanksgiving, if they had one. Abraham Lincoln tried to make Thanksgiving a national holiday in 1863, but the country was divided by the War of Northern Aggression.

Thanksgiving became a national holiday with the completion of the Reconstruction of the South after the War of Northern Aggression and the extermination of the Plains Indians by the Union generals in the 1870s. This taints Thanksgiving as a celebration of the preservation and expansion of the American Empire and accurately reflects the goal of the political forces behind Lincoln.

Today, Thanksgiving is simply known as "Turkey Day" and a time of retail sales. But as you eat your Thanksgiving meal, contemplate that what you are really celebrating is an Empire rooted in war crimes. If Lincoln had lost, and if there had been at that time a Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan would have been hung as war criminals.

Sheridan was probably the worst of the lot. His war crimes against the South, especially those he committed in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, must have been forgotten by Southerns who vote Republican, the Party of Lincoln and Sheridan. But Sheridan's crimes against the Indians were worse. He attacked the Indians in their winter quarters, destroying their food supplies, and sent professional hunters to exterminate the Buffalo, declaring: "Let them kill until the buffalo is exterminated," thus depriving the Plains Indians of their main food source.

Considering the enormity of the Republican Party's crimes against the South, it is a testament to the forgetfulness of people that Southerners vote Republican. Sheridan expressed well the Republican attitude toward the South, declaring on several occasions that "if I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent Texas and live in Hell."

In the 1870s when Democrats won elections in Louisiana, Sheridan, who had power over the state, declared the Democrats to be bandits who would be subjected to his military tribunals.

Sheridan graduated near the bottom of his West Point Class, but his immorality and viciousness propelled him to the rank of Commanding General of the US Army. Today he would delight in the endless US bombings of women and children in seven countries.

Note: The War of Northern Aggression is the South's description for what those dedicated to preserving the Union called the Civil War. The South's term seems more correct. The Union forces invaded the South. A Civil War occurs when contending parties engage in violence for control of the government. But the Southern states were not contending for control of the US government; they exercised their right of self-determination and withdrew from the union into which they had voluntarily entered. It was an act of secession based in divergent economic interests between an export agricultural economy in the South and a rising industrial economy in the North in need of protective tariffs. The Southern secession was not an act of war for control over the government in Washington.

Unionists saw secession as a threat to empire. Another country could be a contender for the lands to the West. In his books, The Real Lincoln and Lincoln Unmasked, Thomas DiLorenzo makes a case that the War of Northern Aggression was waged in behalf of empire. He quotes Lincoln to the effect that he would preserve slavery if it would preserve the Union, and, if memory serves, DiLorenzo quotes Lincoln's generals advising him not to throw a bone to abolitionists by saying it was a war to end slavery or much of the Union army would desert.

Today Americans think of themselves as citizens of the United States. But in 1860 people thought of themselves as citizens of states. When Robert E. Lee was offered a top command in the Union army, he declined on the grounds that he could not draw his sword on his native state of Virginia. Lincoln used the war to establish the supremacy of the central government in Washington over the states to which the Constitution had given most functions of government.

The supremacy of the central government that Lincoln established advanced the forces of empire.

The "war to end slavery," like the Iraq war to protect America from "Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction," looks more like fictional cover for the employment of violence in pursuit of empire than a moral crusade.


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[ParanoidTimes] Court Rules Violent Raid Against Homeschoolers Unconstitutional

Court Rules Violent Raid Against Homeschoolers Unconstitutional
Family tased, assaulted, pepper sprayed

From: "Kick.The.NWO" <>
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 8:17:49 PM
Subject: Dave & Kim Dortch - Family Battles Police Harassment in Riverside County


Dave & Kim Dortch
Family Battles Police Harassment in Riverside County
October 27, 2014

Dave Dortch, an optometrist and his wife Kim, a nurse and nutritional therapy practitioner tell their story of ongoing police harassment after their 12 year old son was arrested and charged for graffiti vandalism in Riverside County. After the night their 12 year old son was arrested and interrogated without his parents or an attorney present, not surprisingly, he confessed. The Dortch's tell what happened when an armed SWAT team appeared five weeks later at their house, demanding to search the house and stating they had a search warrant...


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[ParanoidTimes] Dave & Kim Dortch - Family Battles Police Harassment in Riverside County

Dave & Kim Dortch
Family Battles Police Harassment in Riverside County
October 27, 2014

Dave Dortch, an optometrist and his wife Kim, a nurse and nutritional therapy practitioner tell their story of ongoing police harassment after their 12 year old son was arrested and charged for graffiti vandalism in Riverside County. After the night their 12 year old son was arrested and interrogated without his parents or an attorney present, not surprisingly, he confessed. The Dortch's tell what happened when an armed SWAT team appeared five weeks later at their house, demanding to search the house and stating they had a search warrant...


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[ParanoidTimes] Cults Inside Out -- a new book by Rick Alan Ross

Cults Inside Out -- a new book by Rick Alan Ross

You have seen them in movies and on TV, but cults are more prevalent than you think and they are armed with strategies that can "brainwash" and gain undue influence over even the most unlikely of candidates.

But how do individuals get involved with destructive cults in the first place, and what steps can be taken for those concerned to intervene "deprogram" and heal those who have been drawn into these damaging groups?

These questions and more are addressed in Cults Inside Out: How People Get In and Can Get Out, written with the help of current and former cult members, Ross demonstrates many of the tactics destructive cults use for control and manipulation—and, more importantly, some of the most effective methods he and other experts have used to reverse that programming.

As a result, readers will find themselves armed with a greater understanding of the nature of destructive cults and an improved ability to assess and deal with similar situations--either in their own lives or the lives of friends and family members.

From the Manson family to Heaven's Gate, to multilevel marketing schemes, there are as many types of cults as there are leaders looking to control and manipulate.

Luckily the more people know and understand about these damaging groups, the less influential they will be--and Cults Inside Out exposes the inner workings of cults of all shapes and sizes.

About the author

For more than three decades, Rick Alan Ross has worked with current and former cult members, including participation in more than five hundred interventions. Along the way, he has learned the methods of these groups use to deceive and "brainwash" even the most unlikely individuals. Using real-life examples and first-hand accounts, this informative look at the world of destructive cults will arm readers with a greater understanding of the dangers of such cults--as well as providing valuable information about the intervention or "deprogramming" process.

Ross has consulted with the FBI, the BATF and other law enforcement agencies, as well as the governments of Israel and China on the topic of cults. Ross is a private consultant, lecturer and cult intervention specialist. He has been qualified and accepted as an expert court witness in eleven different states, including United States federal court. He has also worked as a professional analyust for CBS News, CBC of Canada, and Nippon and Asahi of Japan. He has appeared in thirteen documentaries and numerous network television interviews. Ross has been quoted by the media all over the world.

Rick Alan Ross is the founder of the Cult Education Institute, an online library and member of the American Library Association, whose database is one of the largest sources of information regarding cults on the Internet.

Comments about the book

"For any parent or family member searching for information about how to get a loved one out of a destructive cult, this book puts it all together--from the real nature of cults, to the right way to prepare for an intervention, to the actual experiences of a cult-buster who's been at the head of his field for decades."
–Tony Ortega, journalist and former Village Voice editor

"Experts agree that thought reform is one of the greatest dangers to society and that the best defense is education. No person has done more to educate the public about its dangers then Rick Ross. When the media has needed explanations it has been Rick Ross providing the answers in simple easy to understand language. Now he has put it all into a book. Knowledge can be the best protection. And that's the best reason to read this book."
–Paul Morantz, author of "Escape: My Life Long War Against Cults"

"Rick Ross has provided us with a wealth of information in Cults Inside Out, which bears the fruits of his extensive knowledge and decades of experience in working with those who have been impacted by a destructive cult. His comprehensive review of the history from the 1970s to the present is much needed, given that many young people today are unaware of events that were headlines when they occurred, such as Jonestown and how they came about. There are many audiences for this book: people with loved ones in cults, former cult members, helping professionals looking to educate themselves, people working in the legal system, educators and others. This book also provides excellent guidelines for people who have decided to intervene with a cult-involved loved one and are seeking help. Ross presents his own approach in great detail, which is honest, educational, non-forcible and non-coercive--the opposite of what destructive cults do. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is interested in learning more about cults and how to help others or themselves to become or remain free of undue influence."
–Monica Pignotti, PhD

"In his masterful new book, Cults Inside Out, Rick Ross has delivered an exceptional and critically needed resource. He has gathered together in one comprehensive volume detailed, documented information about the diverse and growing number of controlling persons and groups preying on individuals, families and communities in the United States and worldwide. He brings to this impressive body of information his own expertise and first-hand experience spanning three decades helping victimized families. If you want to educate yourself, inoculate your family, and equip your loved ones with understanding and awareness about how predatory people and groups can steal their minds, their hearts, and their lives, read Cults Inside Out. Then make a gift of it to a friend."
—Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman, authors of
Snapping: America's Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change


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[ParanoidTimes] Why We Need a Federal Agency on Robotics ?

 Why We Need a Federal Agency on Robotics 
We need a federal agency to smooth the integration of robotics into society
Nov 18, 2014 |By Ryan Calo


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[ParanoidTimes] Fake Video Footage: The West's Propaganda War on Syria Exposed Once Again

Fake Video Footage: The West's Propaganda War on Syria Exposed Once Again

Tony Cartalucci


A literal production filmed in Malta, not Syria, and consisting of actors, actresses, and special effects.


Dismantling the Pro-War Cult. The Myth of the Soldier as Guarantor of Freedom

Global Research News Hour Episode 82 with Michael Welch

'Syrian hero boy' is a FAKE: Norwegian director admits that footage of youngster dodging sniper fire to rescue girl

was actually shot on Gladiator film set using professional actors

  • Video appeared to show boy dodging bullets in streets of countryside town
  • One-minute clip was viewed more than 3.6 million times in just five days
  • But Norwegian director has revealed that it was shot in Malta this summer
  • Explained he wanted to spark a debate about children living in war zones 
  • Lars Klevberg said he did not feel uncomfortable about deceiving viewers 


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[ParanoidTimes] Autonomous Robot Security Guards ?


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