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How can I not be pleased this season? At long last, the destruction of the United States by its own citizens is close at hand. Continue
Posted by: smacko9@comcast.net
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1:23 AM | Posted by
Illuminati Researcher |
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What has happened over the past several years in places like Iraq, Libya and Syria have roots in the late
1990's. The Project for a New American Century a "think-tank", founded by Dick Cheney, one of the most die-hard neocons the world has ever seen, developed a plan to invade – that's right, invade – 7 countries in 5 years. Their plan is taking longer than originally thought, but I am not sure if Russian and Chinese resistance was part of the calculation. The development of al-Qaeda, that has now morphed into ISIS, has not gone as planned either. ISIS appears to be morphing into their own entity that the CIA is having a hard time controlling. The rogue band of mercenaries are going rogue in a way that was not foreseen.
Dr. Roberts describes the evolution of the "deep state" and how the neocons have a strangle hold on the American political process that is hard to shake. These psychopathic warmongers are not concerned with anything except power, blood-lust and their own sense of "destiny". The tapestry that Dr. Roberts weaves begins with Nixon, the Vietnam War and winds it's way through the latest meeting between President Putin and Secretary of State, John Kerry. The picture is clear and details how we have arrived at the brink of nuclear annihilation. The three part series is not to be missed. To get the whole picture you need to listen all the way through. It was intentionally broken into smaller pieces to allow the info to sink in. As I said we are facing a world in change and the pace is quickening. Give this a good listen and let us know what you think.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Everything Is Disintegrating
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Iceland made world news by jailing their crooked bankers that had an involvement in the 2008 financial crisis, and now they will pay every Icelander for the sale of Íslandsbanki, one of its largest banks.
If Bjarni Benediktsson, Finance Minister has his way, Icelanders will receive kr 30,000 after their government has ownership of the bank. Íslandsbanki will be the second largest bank, of three, under State proprietorship.
Benediktsson stated, "I am saying that the government take [sic] some decided portion, 5%, and simply hand it over to the people of this country."
Since the government is under the control of Icelanders, they own the banks. Bjarni believes that their economy will be fueled by foreign capital that will be brought into the country, which still remains the only European nation that has fully recovered from the 2008 crisis. Iceland was even able to pay its outstanding debt to the IMF before its due date.
Budget Committee vice chairperson, Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, explained that this move will ease the lifting of capital controls, even though he's not entirely sure that State ownership is the ideal solution. Steingrímur J. Sigfússon, former Finance Minister, agrees with Þórðarson stating in a radio show, "we shouldn't lose the banks to the hands of fools" and that a shift in focus to separate "commercial banking from investment banking" would benefit Iceland.
The takeover of the bank and the subsequent payments to the Icelanders plans have not been set, but the way Iceland is handling the financial crisis of 2008 is worthy of all the attention they are getting.
Iceland has recently jailed the 26th banker that had a connection to the meltdown. But the U.S. is rewarding their banking criminals for the market manipulation and fraud with bailouts that cost the taxpayer's. Maybe the U.S. should take a page out of the Icelanders book and do the same.
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Posted by: "jrd" <datapros@netins.net>
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Mr Tapie was once a majority shareholder in sports goods company Adidas but sold it in 1993 in order to become a cabinet minister in Francois Mitterrand's Socialist government.
He sued the Credit Lyonnais bank over its handling of the sale, alleging that the partly state-owned bank had defrauded him by deliberately undervaluing the company.
His case was later referred by Ms Lagarde to a three-member arbitration panel which awarded the compensation, causing a public outcry.
Image copyrightAFPImage captionA French court has ruled that Bernard Tapie should pay back the €404m with interest
Investigators suspect he was granted a deal in return for his support of Mr Sarkozy.
Earlier this month, a French court ruled that Mr Tapie was not entitled to any compensation for that sale and should pay back the €404m with interest.
Five-day deadline
France's Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR) decided that Ms Lagarde, 59, should be tried on the charge of "negligence by a person in position of public authority" over the compensation case, iTele TV channel and the Mediapart website reported on Thursday.
A court spokesman later confirmed the decision.
If convicted, she could be sentenced to one year in prison.
French media said the CJR investigation magistrates declined to follow the recommendation of another court which last year decided not to pursue the case.
"It's incomprehensible," Ms Lagarde's lawyer Yves Repiquet told iTele. "I will recommend Mrs Lagarde appeal against this decision."
A spokesman for France's attorney general said Ms Lagarde would have five days to appeal, once the court decision is made public on Friday or Monday.
Meanwhile, IMF spokesman Gerry Rice said the organisation - which represents 188 member nations - "continues to express its confidence in the managing director's ability to effectively carry out her duties".
Bernard Tapie: A French saga
1993: Credit Lyonnais bank handles sale of Adidas, in which Bernard Tapie is a majority stakeholder, to enable tycoon to pursue ministerial career under then Socialist President Francois Mitterrand
1993-2007: Mr Tapie claims Credit Lyonnais undervalued Adidas and that he was cheated; lengthy court battle ensues
1994: Bernard Tapie's highly indebted group collapses and is wound up by Credit Lyonnais
2007: Mr Tapie switches support to conservative Nicolas Sarkozy in presidential election. Finance Minister Christine Lagarde intervenes in Tapie case to order binding arbitration
2008: Special judicial panel rules Mr Tapie should receive damages of €404m; Ms Lagarde decides not to challenge ruling, prompting public outcry
2011: Public prosecutor recommends judicial investigation into Ms Lagarde's decision to order arbitration
2013: Ms Lagarde is questioned by magistrate and her Paris apartment searched. Mr Tapie is placed under investigation by prosecutors investigating corruption claims
2014: French prosecutors open formal investigation of negligence into Ms Lagarde
3 December 2015: A court orders Mr Tapie to pay back €404m with interest
Ms Lagarde replaced Dominique Strauss-Kahn as IMF managing director in 2011.
Mr Strauss-Kahn - also a former French minister - resigned following his arrest in New York on charges of sexual assault that were later dropped.
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Posted by: "jrd" <datapros@netins.net>
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After more than a year of stalemate, Congress has used an unconventional procedural measure to bring a controversial cybersurveillance bill to the floor. Late last night, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced a 2,000-page omnibus budget bill, a last-minute compromise necessary to prevent a government shutdown. But while the bulk of the bill concerns taxes and spending, it contains a surprise 1,729 pages in: the full text of the controversial Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015, which passed the Senate in October.
CISA has been widely criticized since it was first introduced to congress in 2014, with Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) calling it "a surveillance bill by another name." The bill would make it easier for private sector companies to share user information with the government and other companies, removing privacy and liability protections in the name of better cybersecurity. But critics like Wyden say removing those protections would turn internet backbone companies into de facto surveillance organs, with no incentive to protect users' privacy.
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7:19 PM | Posted by
Illuminati Researcher |
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Catalog of Police Surveillance Equipment December 17, 2015
The Intercepthas "a secret, internal U.S. government catalogue of dozens of cellphone surveillance devices used by the military and by intelligence agencies." Lot of detailed information about Stingrays and similar equipment.
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If you own a drone, you must register it with the Federal Aviation Administration's Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) registry.
A federal law effective December 21, 2015 requires unmanned aircraft registration, and you are subject to civil and criminal penalties if you do not register.
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Posted by: "jrd" <datapros@netins.net>
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Vijay Prashad is the George and Martha Kellner Chair in South Asian History and Professor of International Studies at Trinity College. He is the author of sixteen books, including The Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South (Verso, 2013), Arab Spring, Libyan Winter (AK, 2012), (co-edited with Paul Amar) Dispatches from the Arab Spring (2013), and No Free Left: The Futures of Indian Communism (Leftward Press, 2015).
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