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[ParanoidTimes] 9/11 as False Flag: Why Intl.Law Must Dare to Care ?
2:18 PM | Posted by
Illuminati Researcher |
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9/11 as False Flag: Why International Law Must Dare to Care
January 10, 2016
Emory International Law Review, Forthcoming
At the heart of contemporary international law
lies a paradox: The attacks on the United States
of September 11, 2001 have justified nearly
fifteen years of international war, yet the
official international community, embodied
principally in the United Nations, has failed to
question or even scrutinize the U.S. Government's
account of those attacks. Despite the impressive
and serious body of literature that has emerged to
suggest that 9/11 was a classic (if
unprecedentedly monstrous) false-flag attack,
international statesmen, following the lead of
scholars, have acted as if there is no controversy
whatsoever. This disconnect between the growing
(alternative) evidentiary record of state
responsibility for the attacks and the focus of
international institutions is impossible to
sustain if those institutions are to maintain any
semblance of viability and meaning.
connect the international community to the
possible reality of 9/11-as-false-flag. First, it
shows that it is highly rational to question the
official 9/11 account given the historical record
of the first half of the twentieth century, which
reveals a pattern of false flag attacks over which
the international community openly fretted and
tried to exercise jurisdiction. Second, it
analyzes the reasons why intellectual elites and
the statesmen they influence are behaving
irrationally in not inquiring into the possibility
of 9/11-as-false-flag, deconstructing a
multi-faceted motive into all its unsavory parts.
Third, it argues that the means for ceasing this
irrational behavior is readily available, as the
United Nations need only carry out its core and
incontrovertible "jury" function of determining
the existence of aggression in order to exercise a
long-overdue oversight of the official 9/11 narrative.
Look forward to reading this. Thanks.
jnelson on Tue, 01/19/2016 -
Truth/Lie dichotomy.
out the capacity - the 'already in place' capacity
for rational evidenced based Jury investigation by
the Global Community,
through UNSC, regarding forensics of 911 AS false
flag / that no genuine 'right of self-defense'
exists therein/ also pointing out the
Rights/Duties/Powers of the International
Community through UN charter -> To
USAMO/super/deepstate conspirators for a now 14
year old global WAR of aggression; having already
murdered not only uncountable human beings but
nearly every civil and human right you could name:
What could possibly step infront of that and make
it not happen.
to see / post comments
An accumulation of evidence since 9/11/2001 has set
the stage for a sudden flipping of public
perceptions—from the old paradigm, in which
"terrorist attacks" and war-trigger events peddled
by governments and lapdog media were accepted at
face value, to a new paradigm in which they are
greeted with a chorus of skepticism.
the stage for a sudden flipping of public
perceptions—from the old paradigm, in which
"terrorist attacks" and war-trigger events peddled
by governments and lapdog media were accepted at
face value, to a new paradigm in which they are
greeted with a chorus of skepticism.
False flag paradigm shift: X Files, Dan Brown expose 9/11 truth!
Kevin Barrett on January 21, 2016
Popular culture is catching up with the truth movement
"FALSE FLAGS" are LEGAL PROPAGANDA PRODUCED by the Department of Defense
Posted by: smacko9@comcast.net
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