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[ParanoidTimes] Tulsi Gabbard grabs the Khazarian Mafia by the balls ?

Neocons and Israelis Are Pushing America into Perpetual wars

Tulsi Gabbard grabs the Khazarian Mafia by the balls

Two thumbs up for Tulsi Gabbard.

A fight against the war machine, the Neoconservative ideology, and the Zionist movement,

is essentially a fight for the survival of the United States and decent Americans.


Gabbard once told talking head Donald Trump specifically to ignore "drumbeats of war that neocons have been beating." By specifically calling out the Neocons, Gabbard was inexorably attacking the Khazarian Mafia, which is essentially a Jewish ideological movement.[3]


Gabbard has recently grabbed the war machine and ethnic cleansers in the Middle East and elsewhere by the balls and cut them to pieces by saying:

"For decades, Congress has ceded its Constitutional responsibility of deciding whether or not to declare war, to the President. As a result, we have found ourselves in a state of perpetual war, without a declaration of war by Congress and without input from the American people.

"Our bipartisan resolution aims to end presidential wars, and hold Congress accountable so it does its job in making the serious and costly decision about whether or not to send our nation's sons and daughters to war…


"Since 9/11 alone, we've spent trillions of dollars on regime-change wars and nation-building while people in our communities suffer and struggle because of a lack of resources here at home, what to mention the costs borne by our troops, those who pay the ultimate price, as well as those who come home with wounds that are visible and invisible. The American people deserve accountability."

read more here:

### reader commentary:

Philip F Sweet July 22, 2018 at 4:25 pm

Tulsi Gabbard is America's last Hope. She is
America's Joan of Arc. I have never seen such
courage. God's angels are protecting her and
giving her strength. She will succeed in the
tribulations that lie ahead.
Thank you Tulsi and God speed.
Philip F. Sweet…..Ret. U.S.. Army RA 1954-1957

joetv July 22, 2018 at 1:35 pm

Tulsi Gabbard and Cynthia McKinney! Either one for
POTUS with the other for VP.
Find out what N. Korea, Iran, and Venezuela have
in common , and you'll find out why they're the
Why has every national leader that resisted the
Central Bank system been murdered. Jesus Christ
wasn't a problem until he tossed the money lenders
from the Temple. Mummar Gaddafi could do whatever
he wanted, until he introduced the African gold
dinar. Abe Lincoln and John Kennedy were both
antagonists towards the banks. Lincoln had his
Greenbacks, and JFK his Silver Certificates, Both
currency were printed outside of the central
bankers control.


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