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[ParanoidTimes] Greta Thunberg: Fake as the Climate Change Hoax


Plant-for-the-Planet is a globalist effort to brainwash highly susceptible children and mold them into intolerant activists, not unlike the character portrayed by little Greta Thunberg, method-acting angry at adults for destroying her future.

Here's the backstory on Plant-for-the-Planet. It is "partnered" with the Avina Foundation, the Club of Rome, and the Global Marshall Plan. Avina is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, while the Club of Rome, a cabal of the global elite and corporatists, published The Limits to Growth in 1972.

The report, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, argues in favor of population control and rolling back civilization to save the planet. The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 "during a meeting at Rockefeller's private house in Bellagio, Italy. The meeting was organized by Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist who had close relations to the Olivetti Corporation and Fiat. He claimed to have solutions for world peace and prosperity, which could be accomplished through a New World Order," writes Derek Willis.

"The Club of Rome was established with 75 prominent industrialists, economists and scientists members from 25 nations. The Bilderberg Group and the Club of Rome are the most important foreign policy arms of the Round table, which is led by the Committee of 300... Many of the Club of Rome members were drawn from NATO."

More recently, the organization published The Club of Rome: Climate Emergency Plan, based on dubious climate science produced by the UN's IPCC. It calls for population reduction and the impoverishment of billions -- the organization argues economic growth shouldn't exceed 1% -- an effort led by "governments, business leaders, the science community, NGOs and citizens" to dismantle civilization.

The German Marshall Fund is a "transatlantic" organization established in 1972 on the 25th anniversary of the Marshall Plan. It is also pushing hard on the climate change scheme to force draconian measures on the civilized world. Much of Europe has agreed western civilization must be rolled back if the planet is to be saved.

Greta Thunberg: Fake as the Climate Change Hoax

Kurt Nimmo, Sept. 25, 2019


Posted by: "Kick.The.NWO" <>

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