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[ParanoidTimes] COVID-19 Scam - Russ Winter w John Friend 2020.04.05 - & other info links
2:29 PM | Posted by
Illuminati Researcher |
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Russ Winter COVID-19 Scam 2020.04.05 w John Friend
David Icke's Explosive Interview With London Real #2
https://www.bitchute.com/video/UpAeqPknHOrM/ https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2020/04/david-ickes-explosive-interview-with.html
CBS News Posts Fake Video of a Crying Woman Claiming to Be a Nurse in a Hospital Where She is Not Given Mask to Protect Herself Against COVID-19
Greg Hunter 49:38 video:
Catherine Austin Fitts - We are Dealing with a Spiritual War
Mitchell Henderson - The BioAttack By China On The World Economy And How Successful It Has Been
UK Column News - 6th April 2020
https://youtu.be/QRW6zxZm73Q https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2020/04/uk-column-news-6th-april-2020.html
Coronavirus lockdown: we are so afraid of death, no one even asks whether this 'cure'
is actually worse
We could be vastly overestimating the death rate for COVID-19. Here's why
Coronavirus may have infected half of UK population - Oxford study
Simon John
The PCR Covid test apparently tests for genetic material allegedly from COVID-19. This
genetic material could come from a multitude of sources in the body. What has been
identified as Covid-19 could actually be Exosomes a extracellular vesicles that are
released from cells upon fusion of an intermediate endocytic compartment, the
multivesicular body (MVB), with the plasma membrane.
BillyBob said...
If you got a Flu shot, too bad for you:
A military study shows soldiers who received a flu shot are at a 36% higher risk to get Covid911.
SHOCK VIDEO: TV News Media Films Dying Coronavirus Victim on Ventilator in NYC
Hospital — But 'Patient' Is Actually a Mannequin
Senate Special Committee on COVID-19 - March 25, 2020
Dr Sarah Park, Hawaii State Epidemiologist, begins at 39:57 mark – She goes on a 10-
minute rant against testing which must be heard to be believed.
Nano Bioweapon Escaped from Wuhan Lab?
The Medically Induced Police State
By Donald Jeffries
April 3, 2020
Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination and Global Governance
Banking experts discourage large withdrawals amid Coronavirus pandemic
Is This Virus Fraud a Killing Experiment for Population Control?
By Gary D. Barnett, April 6, 2020
The Anatomy of Covid-19
Here is good one; "Tens of Thousands of Medical Workers Have Been Laid Off During
Alleged Virus Apocalypse".
Wall Street Journal; Bridgewater made 1.5 billion a Put option;Failing market just in
March 2020.
Is What We're Being Told About The Coronavirus Pandemic Wrong?
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore."
P For Pandemic (Populist Rage)
By Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform
April 4, 2020
AlphaGo - The Movie | Full Documentary
"I lost myself for 90 minutes in this documentary, in the midst of all the COVID19
coverage. Great work!"
"Move 78", that will be the name of my resistance movement when the machines takes
1:15:10 is just mind boggling. A human played a move with 0.007% chance. Best part of
the whole documentary
Nestor Mandela
Perfect for the quarantine, ty!
COVID-19: Cover for Military Attack on Iran and Iraq
Trump ignores Iraqi demand US occupation forces leave the country.
https://kurtnimmo.blog/2020/04/02/covid-19-cover-for-military-attack-on-iran-and-iraq/ < https://u.to/VcQCGA>
Who Can You Trust in a Crisis?
Hour 2 - Guests, Shali Lama and Greg in New Jersey
Roger Landry http://TheLibertyBeacon.com talks about the pandemic panic and 5G
Mark Dankof – Mark Dankof's America | PANDEMIC PANIC, GOVERNMENT OVERREACH &
John Whitehead: The Attack on Civil Liberties in the Age of COVID-19
In an exclusive for MintPress, constitutional attorney John Whitehead warns that the
COVID-19 pandemic threatens to bring the American Police State out into the open on a
scale we've not seen before.
by John Whitehead - April 2 2020
Draconian Lockdown Powers:
It's a Slippery Slope from Handwashing to House Arrest
By John W. Whitehead
April 01, 2020
Google Releases Location Data To Help Authorities Check Lock-Downs
April 4th, 2020
Alphabet's Google division has on Thursday published data for 131 countries that shows
whether people are obeying self-isolating and quarantine rules.
The Alternative Media w/ Farren Shoaf – April 4, 2020
P For Pandemic (Populist Rage)
War, terror and now disease. Sound familiar? As we remain trapped in our homes due to
this invisible phantom menace and the mainstream media hysterically reports the
running totals, interviewing self-proclaimed medical experts, and trying to boost
ratings through creating fear and panic, the economy continues to implode, heading for
the largest decrease in GDP in history, with unemployment headed to 20%. All
perspective and context have been abandoned.
P For Pandemic (Populist Rage)
By Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform
April 4, 2020
In Part One of this article I detailed the criminal enterprise that constitutes the
leadership of this country. The facts are clear. We've been screwed over by those who
were supposed to represent us. Now it is time to look in the mirror and decide whether
we will continue to bow down before our keepers or step up and be accounted for in
this coming fight.
Re: 20 million now quarantined in China from Coronavirus
Watch this video entitled "Doctor explains the COVID deception."
Doctor explains the COVID deception.
text summary
The agenda of the psychopaths is so IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look at this:
https://immunosafety.com/ https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=8583569388024246635
Mass Media, Mass Trauma & CV-19
Powers & Principalities Episode 145
Facing US Bio-War
False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett 2020.04.04
There's another pandemic threatening the world: US imperialism.
A Bioterror False Flag
Trying to Avoid Pain, Americans Have Only Delayed the Inevitable and Allowed the
Cancer to Spread
Questioning Conventional Wisdom in the COVID-19 Crisis, with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
•Mar 31, 2020
"The new normal, the cost of globalization."
"Citizens are going after Fox News for crimes and misrepresentation"
Washington State Group 1st to Sue Fox News for Calling Coronavirus a 'Hoax'
By Johnny Punish on Apr 03, 2020
Farren Shoaf
Jeff Sessions: China lied to us and we must investigate its 'cover-up'
ICH April 2 2020
My Take On Covid-19 "Conspiracy Theories"
By Paul Craig Roberts
When it's over, will we be the same America?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Draconian Lockdown Powers: It's a Slippery Slope from Handwashing to House Arrest
By John W. Whitehead
Could COVID-19 Reshape Global Leadership?
By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S Davies
China and Cuba's Medical Internationalism is a Shining Example of Global Solidarity
By Danny Haiphong
Sick West Goes Viral
By Finian Cunningham
As millions of workers and their families reap poverty and illness, one senses
too that the pitchforks are being taken down from the barn roofs.
The crew turned out to cheer the dismissed skipper of the virus-stricken Navy nuclear
aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt.
Real World or Simulation
Faced with a crush of patients, besieged NYC hospitals struggle with life-or-death decisions
by Ariana Eunjung Cha, Lenny Bernstein, Frances Stead Sellers and Shane Harris,
Washington Post, Updated: March 31, 2020
Worldwide Lockdown Over the Common Cold?
C Mac
Ray Boo
They are really ramping it up with this hoax, way beyond belief. I'm not falling for
it but just about everyone I know is. I feel powerless, at least I have this video to
add to my arsenal of anti fear propaganda. Sheeple are not going to recover easily
from this one. Thanks for the support and reality check.
Facts Make It Flat
Tried waking the sheep up to this but the eyes are useless when the mind is blind
Laurence Pinney
So we have this lock-step MSM acting in accordance to the so-called Elite, and their
agenda, and have been lying to me all my life. But now they're being honest; this
time they are absolutely telling me the truth - scout's honor - and I better listen
because Nana's life may depend on it.
George Tselikis
The government says "lockdown". Isn't that a prison term? You're imprisoned in your own home!
Coronavirus Lays Low the Military
by Daniel Lazare, April 02, 2020
There's another pandemic threatening the world: US imperialism.
Boarding Up Stores
Beverly Hills, Chicago, San Francisco, New York, Vancouver
April 2nd, 2020
CIVIL UNREST IS COMING As Retailers Board Up Their Shops! Get Ready For "ORDER OUT OF CHAOS"!!!
"Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.
" - Milton Friedman
What You Don't Know About Dr. Tony Fauci
Robert Wenzel, April 3, 2020
New App Requires Reporting of People Sneezing or Coughing
By Joseph Mercola, April 2, 2020
Coronavirus: Half of Humanity Now on Lockdown
April 2nd, 2020
The Military Knew Years Ago That a Coronavirus Was Coming
April 2nd, 2020
Via: The Nation:
Coronavirus Update: 1,025,000 Cases, 53,000 Dead, as the World Ponders its Response
Corona - April Fools
A look at hospitals, clinics and testing centers all over the world during this pandemic - empty.
Event 201 Coronavirus Conspiracy - David Icke
https://youtu.be/cvacZhXqiv4 http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2020/04/event-201-coronavirus-conspiracy-david.html
Citizen reporters go & do what the media won't!
Medical Courier says Hospitals empty (Doctors afraid to talk)
"Strong Evidence CV is...." (bullshit!)
Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People for Any Strain of a Coronavirus, Not
Specifically for COVID-19
Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People for Any Strain of a Coronavirus, Not
Specifically for COVID-19
Economic Crisis Caused by Politicians and Bankers Being Blamed on Covid-19. How
April 1st, 2020
Jerry Day explains why the tests for coronavirus are worthless. The tests have been
used on dead people to create false death statistics. Day points to the real crisis,
which is economic, caused by debt and policies of the banking cartel called the
Federal Reserve.
The Creation of a False Epidemic with Jon Rappoport
The SCAM is Unraveling: Empty Hosptials Reveal The BIG LIE
Stadtmiller & Guest,Roger: - 20.04.01 'another rant'? guest Roger Landry
The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller, April 1, 2020 Hour 1
Roger Landry - thelibertybeacon.com
2nd hr - Steve Elkins
"It's not about the deaths, because we don't have the numbers."
"They're really playing up the fear factor."
William Gheen - Trump's Handler Jerry Kushner's Tech Firm, Got Paid To Build The CV
Site Trump Promised
William Engdahl: The Dystopian Scenario Arising From COVID-19
April 1, 2020
Jay Dyer on the CV-19 Panic and Technocracy
audio -
Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss the COVID-19 "panicdemic" and how
the crisis is being exploited to further technocratic control of society..
Jay is a researcher and proprietor of Jay's Analysis. He is also the author of
Esoteric Hollywood and Esoteric Hollywood 2.
COVID-USA - Larry Romanoff - B.Faulkner 20.04.01
https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2020/04/guns-and-butter-with-bonnie-faulkner.html https://www.globalresearch.ca/author/larry-romanoff
Congress has used Coronavirus to again loot the people and to push more money to the rich.
U.S. Virus Cases Are Off The Scale - But Its People Can Build A Movement From This
By Moon Of Alabama
The ill-founded opinions expressed by international experts, replicated by the media
and social networks repeat the unnecessary panic.
10 MORE Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic
By Off Guardian
Exclusive: The Military Knew Years Ago That a Coronavirus Was Coming
On April 6, 2020 at 9:23 PM || < smacko9@comcast.net> wrote:
The Win-Win, Healing/Rewarding of Transparency / Accountability - Catherine Austin Fitts
---------- Original Message ----------From: " scm@planttrees.org" < scm@planttrees.org>To:Date: April 6, 2020 at 11:26 AMSubject: Greg Hunter 49:38 Catherine Austin Fitts - We are Dealing with a Spiritual War https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv1ITJr3uZw
Greg Hunter 49:38
Catherine Austin Fitts - We are Dealing with a Spiritual War
Super important interview with uber-smart financial advisor Catherine Austin-Fitts, who is the former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in the GHW Bush Administration and blew the whistle on billions of dollars stolen from HUD. Topics covered:
• Petrodollar collapse
• Proxy wars with Venezuela and Iran (to prop up petrodollar) that could easily lead to war with Russia and China
• COVID-19 = plandemic not pandemic
• 5G = crowd control weapon combined with metals in vaccines = electronic targeting / killing of specific individuals and large groups of people
• Deep State coup de'tat against Trump and no prosecution due to importance of maintaining deeply struggling financial system that's on the verge of collapse
• FASAB56 - New economic model that legalized lawlessness
• Cryptocurrency is not currency. It's a control system. It's a credit at the company store and the value of that credit can quickly and easily be changed or eliminated
• ID2020 - Every person has a bio ID connected to cryptocurrency. Mark of the beast
• Implantable microchips that connect to cryptocurrencies
• COVID-19 Economic Stimulus - SBA loans for 5.75% (banks given money at 0% - 0.5%) so banks are making 5% on each loan
• Pelosi & other politicians insider trading during COVID-19
• New Technology - Life extension
• Financing of Space Exploration vs. Boomer Retirement
• Gun stores refuse to close down due to COVID-19 - Constitutional issue plus increased demand. Sheriffs consent
• Current Spiritual War - demonic and occult forces vs. churchgoers (COVID-19 agenda of closing churches)
• Importance of growing your own food. Food prices will soon explode
• Importance of GOLD as an investment and protection against currency collapse8
Posted by: || <smacko9@comcast.net>
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