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[ParanoidTimes] How Power Elite Criminals Dupe the Masses into Giving them More Power and Money
This video gives a clear explanation of the very old plan for bring Communism to America. Renowned author G. Edward Griffin tells us exactly what is happening in America today, but this explanation was given in 1969. It is especially important to understand how the Communists are using radical subversives embedded in our political and educational institutions, and engineering an uprising in the black community to destabilize America as a part of their revolution. It is interesting to understand that the real goal is not the over throw of government, but the conversion of government into Communism by INCREASING GOVERNMENT POWER. This is not the uplifting of the down trodden masses. This is the centralization of power in the hands of the elite.
In 1969 G. Edward Griffin produced this video to explain the Communist plan for a revolution in America. He obtained this explanation directly from the Communist's own literature. It is amazing to realize that we were warned, in 1969, about the plan to create the violence and chaos that we are seeing today.
We did not listen then.
Will we listen now?
A Black former Communist tells us about the Communist plan to use racial strife to take over the United States: The Prediction of Our Time.
A Black former communist, who trained in Moscow, discusses his experience in the Communist party and how the Communist Party infiltrated the Civil Rights Movement.
The testimony of Leonard Patterson and Julia Brown.
A Black former Communist and a Black former FBI agent both tell us about the Communist plan to use racial strife to take over the United States: The Prediction of Our Time
Most of the supporters of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter believe that they are working to over throw the power of white privileged millionaires. A small amount of checking would reveal that their movements are funded, and promoted, by the very millionaires that they believe that they are working to over throw. These are the same international Banksters, who own the private corporation that is deceptively misnamed as "The Federal Reserve". "The Federal Reserve" is no more Federal than Federal Express. These international Banksters need the excuse that comes from destabilization to bring about the process that leads to increases in their own power and wealth.
This manual is presented as an audio rant which admits things that ANTIFA would not want to release publicly.
This might be a preview of the real goals and the real tactics of ANTIFA.
The original source states that this was found on the Campus of The Evergreen State College.
This is so outlandish that it is hard to believe.
You decide for yourself.
Making Black Lives Matter Issue of The New American Magazine
If all black lives matter does it what sense to undermine the protection of black lives from rampant criminal activity?
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
We add this:
"The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost.
The battle for liberty always continues.
It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom.
No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope.
No matter how free we are we are never safe.
Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it.
The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back.
When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point failure to defend liberty makes slavery a certainty.
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