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[ParanoidTimes] How Power Elite Criminals Dupe the Masses into Giving them More Power and Money

The very most powerful criminals in the world are about to be prosecuted for decades of criminal activities. These criminals have been safe from prosecution for decades due to the political power that they previously held. Many of these crimes are capital offenses and serious felonies. They include murder, treason, bribery, human trafficking, money laundering, rape, statutory rape, and many others.
Now we see one tactic after another, all with the same goal: destabilization
They were unable to over throw Donald Trump with the Russiagate hoax.
They were unable to over throw Donald Trump with the malicious impeachment farce.
They were unable to over throw Donald Trump by using the COVID-19 Hoax.
Now these criminals have turned to the destruction of the economy by repressive lockdowns, creating mass unemployment and annihilation of small businesses, thus fracturing civil society.
This week the Democrats, the deep state, and their complacent, compliant regime media pawns, have turned to an age-old psy/war strategy to be wielded as an axe against the president, insidiously using the weaponized corpse of the tragically slain George Floyd as the new rationale for these riots and insurrections.
"Someone" decided to make George Floyd into a martyr, and use his death to create riots.
But we were warned about these tactics over 50 years ago, and it is still possible to see those presentations.
We did not listen 50 years ago.
Will we listen now?
Nearly all of the multi-million dollar media corporations have joined into fanning the flames of revolution.
Is there anyone who believes that these multi-million dollar media corporations are owned by poor Black folks?
If you watch the videos below you will understand what the REAL plan is.
This is not a spontaneous uprising of the down trodden masses.
This scheme has been carried out in many other countries, and the result has always been total control for a tiny power elite, and slavery for everyone else.
More Deadly than War by G. Edward Griffin

This video gives a clear explanation of the very old plan for bring Communism to America. Renowned author G. Edward Griffin tells us exactly what is happening in America today, but this explanation was given in 1969. It is especially important to understand how the Communists are using radical subversives embedded in our political and educational institutions, and engineering an uprising in the black community to destabilize America as a part of their revolution. It is interesting to understand that the real goal is not the over throw of government, but the conversion of government into Communism by INCREASING GOVERNMENT POWER. This is not the uplifting of the down trodden masses. This is the centralization of power in the hands of the elite.

In 1969 G. Edward Griffin produced this video to explain the Communist plan for a revolution in America. He obtained this explanation directly from the Communist's own literature. It is amazing to realize that we were warned, in 1969, about the plan to create the violence and chaos that we are seeing today.

We did not listen then.

Will we listen now?

Anarchy, U.S.A. 1966 PART  5 - The Communist plan to use racial strife to take over the United States: The Prediction of All That is Happening in Our Time. 

A Black former Communist tells us about the Communist plan to use racial strife to take over the United States: The Prediction of Our Time.

Leonard Patterson was trained In Moscow for Black revolution.  
A Black former communist, who trained in Moscow, discusses his experience in the Communist party and how the Communist Party infiltrated the Civil Rights Movement.
Anarchy, U.S.A. 1966 PART  6 - The Communist plan to use racial strife to take over the United States: The Prediction of All That is Happening in Our Time.

The testimony of Leonard Patterson and Julia Brown.

A Black former Communist and a Black former FBI agent both tell us about the Communist plan to use racial strife to take over the United States: The Prediction of Our Time

Most of the supporters of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter believe that they are working to over throw the power of white privileged millionaires. A small amount of checking would reveal that their movements are funded, and promoted, by the very millionaires that they believe that they are working to over throw. These are the same international Banksters, who own the private corporation that is deceptively misnamed as "The Federal Reserve". "The Federal Reserve" is no more Federal than Federal Express. These international Banksters need the excuse that comes from destabilization to bring about the process that leads to increases in their own power and wealth.

ANTIFA Manual - Found on the Campus of The Evergreen State College

Original source:  

We are told that this manual fell into the hands of those who were never supposed to see it.
This manual is presented as an audio rant which admits things that ANTIFA would not want to release publicly.
This might be a preview of the real goals and the real tactics of ANTIFA. 
The original source states that this was found on the Campus of The Evergreen State College.
This is so outlandish that it is hard to believe.
You decide for yourself.
We take no position on that.
What is remarkable to see is that, while ANTIFA claims to be "anti- fascist" their agenda is identical to the agenda of Adolph Hitler.
The only difference is which race is demonized and marked for genocide, and which race it is that is exalted to be the "master race".
Except for the reversal of the targets of the racism all other aspects of the agenda of ANTIFA is identical to the agenda of Adolph Hitler.
ANTIFA says government should nationalize health care.
ANTIFA says government should take control of the media.
As Hitler used gas chambers to eliminate the handicapped.
ANTIFA suggests giving the handicapped unlimited supplies of opiates,
which would ultimately accomplish euthanasia.
In the place of wearing the yellow star of David, ANTIFA insists that "chips" be installed in everyone's bodies, so as to identify those of the targeted races.
 ANTIFA insists that these "chips" should contain racial DNA information content and information concerning political thoughts, and "ANTIFA status".
ANTIFA insists that these "chips" should only be accessible to ANTIFA approved "regulators".
Their stated goal is to colonize the USA with dark skinned races to make whites into a minority.  
ANTIFA says that their goal is a One World Government and a New World Order.
This One World Government is described as socialist and totalitarian.  
This is an excellent example of what George Orwell called "Newspeak" in his book "1984".
 In "Newspeak" everything is defined as the opposite of what is actually is, such as the slogans like;
"War is Peace", "Freedom is Slavery" and "Ignorance is Strength."
According to ANTIFA being in favor of freedom, and the limitation of the power of government is  Fascism.
While continuously promoting racial strife ANTIFA labels any opposition to their own totalitarian agenda as "hate speech".  
Suddenly the pandemic is over, but it is now safe to go out and riot and loot?
Now the non-essential businesses have been reopened... by looters?
Have we not noticed that all of the looters are obediently wearing face masks?
Are these the same masks that they usually wear when committing crimes?
If you defund the police how will they be able to confiscate guns and plastic straws?
Are we being played?
It is still a tragedy.
But look at things now.
Now here are the most important questions of all:
Why are the media sources, that we depend on, not addressing these questions?
Are the media sources, that we depend on, idiots?
Are the media sources, that we depend on, liars who think that WE are idiots?
At the same time are we not now faced with the possibility of massive vote fraud?
Is there any other explanation for the push for voting by mail?
Voting by mail IS VERY easy to corrupt.
Why have Democrats spent nearly four years, and wasted millions of taxpayer dollars, and wasted millions of dollars from their accomplices?
Is it possible to take power in a just and honest Republic by continuously displaying dishonesty in such an endless sequence of desperate dirty tricks?
If Democrats will do all of this damage to life, liberty and property in an attempt to TAKE power, after losing the election, what would they do if they were IN power?
What else could they do to demonstrate the fact that they have no regard for the rule of law, or anything else that respects the political process?
Why would anyone actually vote for them?
The Unseen Hand: by A. Ralph Epperson 
The movie "V For Vendetta" Predicted The Entire Coronavirus Hoax
View the segment along with Jeff Berwick's comments here:
This video has been repeatedly removed from YouTube for violating YouTube's policy prohibiting telling the truth about powerful criminals.

Making Black Lives Matter Issue of The New American Magazine 
The publisher sold out in 3 weeks. The ignored reality is that ALL lives matter. The lives of police, both white and black, also matter. Jay Stalien, a black police officer in Palm Beach County, points to the black lives that are regularly lost due to black on black crimes, where police are shunned and prevented from solving crimes. Black Lives Matter has had a tremendous effect in increasing hatred toward police. Jay is truly saddened on behalf of officers, blacks, and all Americans who all suffer because of the anti-police atmosphere. When black men and women are killed by other blacks we do not hear anything from black lives matter. We only hear that black lives matter when a tragic death can be exploited politically to promote hatred of police or hatred of whites.

If all black lives matter does it what sense to undermine the protection of black lives from rampant criminal activity?  



Thomas Jefferson said:
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
We add this:
"The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost.
The battle for liberty always continues.
It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom.
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No matter how free we are we are never safe.
Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it.
The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back.
When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point failure to defend liberty makes slavery a certainty.
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